A Tricky Topic For Me...

oneman @oneman
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
oneman @oneman
@Amrod To be fair, I do compare myself to others for reflection and actual improvement. I don't want to make the same mistakes as others.
Not to mention I've been on all sides of abuse, and the reason I brought this subject up in the first place, is to make sure I can try to provide for a woman, and that if every single woman agrees with the things I've read about, I would reevaluate myself to wait and see what about myself I would need to fix.
No one is perfect, myself the least so.
If there is anything to be big-headed/conceited about myself, it is my intelligence. I feel it is disrespectful to those educators who spent the extra time making sure I had a better education, and disrespectful to my family, to not be conceited and cocky about it.
So again, I hardly see how this is cringeworthy, when women supposedly want confidence. Also why I said "Accentuate the positives and hide the negatives."
Also, I didn't take it personally, as indicated by the fact I said "I appreciate your honesty."
After all, if I wanted to have my ass kissed, I would have gone about this entirely differently.
The reason why I don't mend this stuff, is the stuff I am dealing with emotionally are permanent things that are impossible to get rid of in the first place. Three things that give me emotional issues are things that can never be taken back in the first place, so while I try to mask my feelings of the matter, I also am honest because I'm trying to improve my own faults.
None of which would be a fix per se, but something finely tuned.
My biggest concern in approaching the whole dating scene is making sure both people involved in the relationship are happy, yet responsible. I want to avoid anything abusive on either end. I don't want my relationship with a woman to be considered abusive and vice-versa.
Yet I felt these concerns were only natural. I have read many articles that women want rough and tough men like the Liam Neesons, or the suave types like Brad Pitt or Matt Damon.
I personally don't know where I end up on the spectrum, and if 10/10 of these women want the same kind of male, then I thought that I may want to reassess some things so that I can try to provide.
I am here for honesty, but mostly for information from women, so it is kinda weird, funny but irksome that as far as I know, there have only been males. XD
It almost (not quite entirely) sounds less about a discussion about what women want from a man, and more about male peer pressure. Key term "almost".
I am aware that we are all flawed, and aware that despite my own personal gifts, I am the most flawed of all.
So I don't consider myself to be conceited, because I know my faults better than I praise my skills and knowledge. I am only two things in life: Real and honest.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
yaasshat @yaasshat
Just have to add a little insight, one man to another...You think to much.XD
People are giving you thier perspective on what you're saying and every step of the wsy you keep pushing any advice that doesn't match with your opinions away.
If a woman says anything here, it will be HER opinion, not every woman. Not all women think the same, this is coming from experience, not theory or opinion.

oneman @oneman
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
oneman @oneman
Alright. Thank you for the advice. XD
Sorry, seeing all of these articles of what women want make me feel a bit insecure.
I was in some legal situations for a long time where I couldn't even have friends, let alone a date. I had to work on some serious psychological issues, so I've never been in an actual romantic relationship before.
So really all I have to go by is information written by other women. I am kinda shooting for the girls who are contrary to the majority, but I kinda wanted to make sure their tastes weren't all the same.
The only reason I push these opinions away isn't that they aren't validated, because I have been told all of this stuff before. So I do apologize if it seems to be pushing away, but it isn't the intent. I have a social disorder known as "Autism Spectrum Disorder" so I do have difficulties coming across the way I do.
Not an excuse, but just some insight as to why I may not come across the right way.
So thank you for the assurance, and yes I do think too much. XD

Amrod @amrod
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
Amrod @amrod
Those articles are cancer dude! You're going to find so many of them that contradict each other. The best thing is experience, do you have female friends? I'd say try to make some female friends until you get comfortable with talking to them. Then walking up and talking to one wont feel so outlandish.
I was lucky to have more female friends than guy friends growing up so I never had an issue talking to them, but I know thats one of the main things holding guys back.
Best advice when walking up to a girl that I can give is to treat them like any other person. Picture them as a dude if you want, that way you aren't all nervous and flustered. You'd be surprised that alot of really cute girls dont get talked to cause all the dudes are nervous.

oneman @oneman
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
oneman @oneman
No, I have only had bad experiences around females.
I would treat them normally, but going past the whole friendpoint is the difficult part.

Amrod @amrod
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
Amrod @amrod
Hmmm getting past the friendzone, Theres a few ways to get past it.
1. You leave for a while (TIME) and come back to give them time to get you off of their mind as a friend.
2. I forgot the rest lmao, brb I'm going to ask my bro and my female friends.
.....Jean is having technical issues he will be back in the next post...

oneman @oneman
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
oneman @oneman
Uh ok...

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
yaasshat @yaasshat
Now that you threw out the fact of you being on the autism spectrum, it all makes much more sense. Social interaction, let alone with women, is a pain for me and I'm married. XD
I'd say the best way to conquer that is to make more female friends. If you have romantic intentions, let them know sooner rather than later. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to transition from more than friends. Most women just want to know that you're capable of taking care of yourself and that you're not going to become reliant on them(For emotional or financial security).
Other than that, there's not a ton that I can add, every relationship is different and every woman is different,as such, there's no one set of rules or guidelines, only what works.
When you finally do make a romantic connection, don't go in guns a blazin, rather let it just grow naturally.

oneman @oneman
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
oneman @oneman
Alright. That makes sense.
It'll be a bit of a struggle, but honestly if I wasn't willing to put up with it, I wouldn't have signed onto here in the first place. XD

Amrod @amrod
commented on
A Tricky Topic For Me...
Amrod @amrod
My bad they just said not to allow yourself to be in the friendzone in the first place. By that they mean what Yaasshat said, to let them know early on if you are interested in them romantically. If they reciprocate the feelings then cool, if not then theres nothing to be done about it. But at least you spoke up you know?
With practice it'll all get better, just have to keep at it bro
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