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TRUMP reminds me of All Might from Hero Academia. Any other Trump fans?

Don't wanna get into a debate, but I'm not a fan of Trump at all. Why? He's treated women like dirt, belittling them with derogatory phrases, revoked Obama's trans guidelines, he canceled the tras-pacific partnership which would have promoted US trade (and in turn boosted our economy, something he should know well enough yet doesn't seem to understand), provoked war with North Korea and other nations, attempted to ban transfolk from serving in the military on the account on cost and their unfitness for duty do to a 'mental disorder', and he's popularized the idea that lying and demonizing people is perfectly acceptable in today's society, when it isn't.
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Cinnaminion, I would encourage you to look into issues based on a cost-benefit analysis rather than how they make you feel or what people around you think is acceptable or not.
Oh believe me, I've looked into them. Trump fails there too. The trans-pacific partnership would have been a huge boost to the nation's economy, US Military spends more cash on viagra for guys than they've ever spent on HRT for transfolk, Trump's legislation in recent years has been top heavy and has resulted in a lot of small business -one of the greatest sources of job creation in the workforce- to be on the decline. Limiting our economy, lessening military representation, and decreasing available jobs? All he's made are terrible const-benefit decisions. Regardless - The Declaration states "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness", not "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Money". America is a country. Not a secondhand sweatshop.
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Yes, it is what transgender people have. Gender dysphoria, as well as gender nonconformity are not mental illnesses or cognitive disorders. For some clarification, the mismatch between body and internal sense of gender is not a mental illness, but the stress, anxiety, and depression that go along with it can be. Being a transgender individual does not mean you have a cognitive deficiency that would bar you from bring able to serve in the military. Sure, military covers costs, but transitioning doesn't cost as much as other things in the military. As I've said before, the US spends far more money -five times as much- on sexual stimulants - 41.6 million annually on Viagra alone. There's no explanation or reasoning behind not allowing transfolk in the military other than prejudice. Trump said 'transgender' people would be banned from the military. This would include those who have transitioned, are transitioning, and plan to transition. The ban was inclusive, and it shouldn't have been. I could -maybe- see a potential issue with transitioning soldiers if they had their hands full with dealing with the effects of HRT and therapy, but that's in result of becoming accustomed to the changes that go along with transitioning, not the idea of transitioning itself. If transgender people are 'disabled' to the point of not being able to serve, why are people in wheelchairs (among other disabilities) being admitted in with no questions asked due to the ADA of 1990?
"Capitalism brings people out of poverty, and makes everyone richer." https://www.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.1996864.1410196140!/httpImage/image.jpg
So far you haven't given me a proper argument as to why we should have committed to TPP. Just "It would have been a great trade deal". What was so good about it? What made it better than doing regular trade? What were the risks and what specifically were the benefits? So far you haven't told me how small business I'd in the decline. By all reports it seems as if they're on the rise. All across the country they're anticipating great relief and opportunity given by the tax cuts. All across the country businesses of all shapes and sizes are being given relief by deregulation. So far you haven't told me the benefit of having trans people in the military. Why should they be allowed in the military? Trans people have an extremely high suicide rate, and whether you feel transgenderism itself is a mental disorder, there clearly is risk involved, risk to themselves and others by giving them guns. If you feel you looked into it enough, then please give me something based on facts, rather than your feelings.
(Responding to trans military personnel) Couldn't you say the same about young adults, women and any heterosexual, or indeed homosexual, male who's had any history of depression or anxiety at all? Trans isn't a mental disorder, it's largely America and a few eastern places that believe it as such, so really you're turning your nose up at a human being who is willing to put their life on the line. There's no more risk in handing a trans person a gun than there is anyone else I've listed, all can be emotionally charged and have a risk of relapse etc. I don't think it's a case of there being a 'benefit', or if they should be 'allowed' into the military. They're volunteering to take up arms to defend you, and everyone else who doesn't feel inclined to join up. Seriously, a little respect please. As for the suicide rate, are these trans people hiding their true identities? Are they trans people suffering discrimination? Those who don't have the money to make the transition and therefore suffer not being their true selves? I think it's largely outside forces that lead to such suicides. If a trans person is fully accepted, and transitions the way they want, the risk of suicide will be much lower.
There's much less going on with someone who was depressed before. They're not going through hormonal changes. They didn't block their puberty. They're as expected of healthy adults. Everyone feels sad from time to time but what we're talking about here isn't the possibility, but the likelihood of a horrific event taking place. What sort of risk are you willing to subject our military to? 10%? 20%? 30%? At what point do you decide it's not a good idea to hand someone a gun and expect them not to cause damage? The military doesn't accept anyone with an IQ under 85. This is because they've determined that any amount they teach such people is likely to cause more harm than good. Would you be willing to extend the same hand to this group of people? Depression is most commonly caused by either a lack of purpose, overwhelming expectations, or negative income. The military fixes these things. The common person who had experienced depression likely went through either of these things will likely not regress while they're in the military. However the depression of a trans individual is different. It's a result of an identity crisis, as well as hormonal concerns. The military can't fix this. Even if they can give them proper hormonal treatment, they can't guarantee their identity.
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