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I brush away pretty girls because they dont like anime

WHat iS hapPening?
@laughingman actually yes lol specifically what I type is otaku girl porn. Really cute girls with unnatural hair colors come up. They have Posters of anime all over their walls mmm Or I just type lesbian...
@matchesia that's all fine and dandy, but my heart doesn't flutter until I find out the girl is into nerdy gaming/anime stuff.
(I posted the following 1 week b4 finding jessica. It relates to this thread) I'm not just saying this for attention, but I do branch out to non otaku women. I'm actually a little guilty about it, I get into relationships knowing full well that I'm going to break their heart, but I'm doing it for my future otaku girl. Im leveling up various relationship stats to best serve my true girl with. Ugh it got really ugly last time, i think im done torturing women, my level is probably high enough. Not sure i have the stomach for it anymore. I started dating this tea coffee artst political hot non otaku. She played mario once when she was 10, bleh. We went to coffee shops and to our houses to play boardgames and often couldnt finish our scrabble games because the sexual tension between us would grow too large to focus anymore ( mayby it was just her strategy to avoid losing scrabble to me). So anyways after about 40 days she used the most beautiful word in the human language at me... i told her its not gonna work and that we dont share enough interests and that we were now broken up... so much crying and whys... next day she begged me to meet at this pretty shakespere park we often went to where i climbed a tree and hung a 50lb mushroom from a tall pine tree knowing nobody was capable of taking it down and they had to do plays with it still hanging center stage... so i agreed to meet to help console her. She then frantically started asking asian people at her college how to say "i love you, please stay with me forever" in japanese, because i know japanese and am an otaku. She wanted to become one to keep me. suppesedly the 2nd asian group was able to teach her lol... So at the park she recited it super embarassed tearful and hopeful. It was so so sweet cute and sad. I hugged her and said how great she was, but that i wasnt changing my mind. She looked like she expected me to say that sniffed and accepted it. We then walked back to my company cargo van sat on the back bumper right next to the "adventure mattress" (creepy name huh) in the back of my van. We talked calmly for a long time, the sun had set then i swear to god she turned the convo sexual. She put hand way up on my inner thigh. She litteraly slowly seduced me with gentle caresses all over. I just kinda laid back and let it happen. The back doors were then shut and we had some hot and heavy sex in there. After she looked ultra happy and said somthing along the lines of, so were staying together now right? Ughh right now im summoning some seriously repressed memories for u all. Soooo i said to her slowly and uncomfortably uhhh no that was just because we both got horney. Her recent powerful saddness converted to now powerful anger. She was livid she attacked me physically hardcore. She weighed 110 and im a pro fighter. I defended the onslaught in such a way where she 1. wouldnt get hurt from my blocks. 2. Could Get shots through to releive some of her stress. 3. Protect the 1 spot she actually could do 9999 damage. She got worn out and shouted 4 me to leave. I received lots of varrying fb messages from her until she went totally quiet. The whole relationship felt grim like the food chain. a predator destroying and swallowing a small sweet creature to absorb its nutrients so it can serve its mate. Welp lol i feel like a god damn demon and i dont deserve anyone after all the girls ive hurt. Sorry if this got too graphic guys. If you read all this, thanks. Typing all this was pretty theraputic actually. I feel a bit lighter now
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