Fire Emblem Heroes players out here?

uui @uui
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Fire Emblem Heroes players out here?
uui @uui
Of Course! I'm using actually a team with dragons! I voted for Fae because of RAAAAAAWR and than for female corrin.

Darkly10000 @darkly10000
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Fire Emblem Heroes players out here?
Darkly10000 @darkly10000
I won on Team Ninian, My team is Ninian, Amelia, Brave Lyn and the best Waifu of all The Black Knight. And of course had to pump up my fav Anna.

The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
commented on
Fire Emblem Heroes players out here?
The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
darkly why not make an armor emblem team with the 2 armor units you have get an effie or hector or whatever units you have you could make a really nice team.

chihyah @chihyah
commented on
Fire Emblem Heroes players out here?
chihyah @chihyah
Just beat the Arvis grand hero battle infernal omg it took a lot of tries...

Darkly10000 @darkly10000
commented on
Fire Emblem Heroes players out here?
Darkly10000 @darkly10000
noot noot I just don't like the idea of running an armored team. Also still don't have Hector.
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