Advice meeting new people when your scared of the whole world being alone

natural_phenomenon @natural_phenomenon
Advice meeting new people when your scared of the whole world being alone
natural_phenomenon @natural_phenomenon
Well as you can see from my deathgun costume i cosplay. I have yet to make many friends at Anime cons or even find a girl friend. I am heavily into anime and highly intelligent. But I live in an area with girls and guys who just care about mudding and fishing yet i care about three things Hacking, Cyber Security and Anime currently. I dont have many friends and i am always just not liking to go out at night due to i have nobody to go with. I am basically at the point questioning whats the point of going out if your alone. Anyone else feel this way? Im not bad looking for anything the motivation is just not there because of the fear of being let down and taking risks alone.

Shebang @bonfiyah
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Advice meeting new people when your scared of the whole world being alone
Shebang @bonfiyah
If you can't handle being alone, then you are not ready to bond with another. This type of mentality makes it seem that having people around is a necessity rather than a moment to bond and form great memories. Many things could go wrong if you're lonely and desperate. Not saying that you are but just putting down a thought. I've experienced loneliness but I've taken the time to improve myself and interact with those who approach me. People come and go. I've met plenty and things went well but things also went terrible. I don't exactly have any friends either but I use my time on myself while being open to bond with another. I'm willing to be a friend if you like. I have a HUGE interest in cyber security as well so we can have a nerdy discussion. Just don't expect me to be some type of expert. Memory has been rubbish lately.

manny_heart @manny_heart
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Advice meeting new people when your scared of the whole world being alone
manny_heart @manny_heart
I suggest seeking professional help for that specific issue. Do some research on it and reach out to professionals who can give you accurate advice.
There's no shame in that. (:

Valkar @valkar
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Advice meeting new people when your scared of the whole world being alone
Valkar @valkar
lol I can relate to an extent. I live in a area that is primarily all about fishing, mudding, and hunting as well. Not to say those aren't fun activities, but they aren't exactly my preferred things to do. Of course for that reason finding someone that shares my interests can be a bit difficult.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Advice meeting new people when your scared of the whole world being alone
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
This account has been suspended.

Blank @sweetdeath
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Advice meeting new people when your scared of the whole world being alone
Blank @sweetdeath
I do. Although I never reach out anyone and never invest enough time to makes friends even. It's the life i choose :|
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