Hello! New Here!

deleted account @kamui94
Hello! New Here!
deleted account @kamui94
Hi everyone~
Call me Dani.
I joined weeks ago, but I am just now doing an introduction.
I am here to find awesome, lovely friends, best friends, and hopefully somebody to love.
I would like to become friends first btw.
I am very shy so I hope if you talk to me, please be patient with me. I can tell if someone really likes me because they try to talk to me even if I haven't responded in days.
(( P.S.: I am going through a difficult time in my life right now, so please bear with me. I lost two people I love in an accident.))

Ayano @victorique
commented on
Hello! New Here!
Ayano @victorique
Hi Dani, I'm sorry for your losses. I hope you find everything you want on this site. Welcome :)

louloulovely97 @louloulovely97
commented on
Hello! New Here!
louloulovely97 @louloulovely97
Hi Dani it's nice to meet you! I am new here as well I just joined yesterday and I am sorry for your loss

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
commented on
Hello! New Here!
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
This account has been suspended.

jamesx122 @jamesx122
commented on
Hello! New Here!
jamesx122 @jamesx122
Hi Dani, welcome to the site. Hope you meet lots of good friends here.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

deleted account @kamui94
commented on
Hello! New Here!
deleted account @kamui94
Thank you very much everyone ^-^
Its nice to meet you too, louloulovely97 ~ ^^

xxicecoldxx @xxicecoldxx
commented on
Hello! New Here!
xxicecoldxx @xxicecoldxx

deleted account @kamui94
commented on
Hello! New Here!
deleted account @kamui94
Hiiii~! ^^
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