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Relatively new cosplayer, just getting myself out there.

Hello, everyone. 3 years ago I made the decision to start turning my life around and begin down the road to making costumes and props for a living. Since then I have made new friends, been to a few conventions, and weaved my dreams into reality. I have made 5 costumes since my first one back in january 2016 when I attended magfest. If anyone would like to check out what I do, head over to facebook and look up Netherworks Costumes. I mostly specialize in foam fabrication, but I am branching out into hand sewing and resin casting. Anyway, I know this is a more anime based site from what I can gather and rest assured I like a few. I recently finished one punch man which was pretty cool. I have also seen devil is a part timer, blue exorcist, Castlevania, High school of the dead, and a couple more. Well that wraps it up. Gotta go make stuff. Stay creative.
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