league of draven,

ahri @ahri
league of draven,
ahri @ahri
anyone here play league of legends? :) , always down to play a few norms, unless you like rank :-)

jamesx122 @jamesx122
commented on
league of draven,
jamesx122 @jamesx122
I haven't played in a while, but I do know that I can never resist Draven's sweet 'stache.

PlasticGlowStars @plasticglowstars
commented on
league of draven,
PlasticGlowStars @plasticglowstars

thekingofuncool @thekingofuncool
commented on
league of draven,
thekingofuncool @thekingofuncool
Yeah, but I bought a mouse that is pretty hard to use. I'll probably play more actively when I get a better one.

Matt Vidurys @vidurys
commented on
league of draven,
Matt Vidurys @vidurys
i like new soraka skins ^^ looks cute~

Ohad @ohad
commented on
league of draven,
Ohad @ohad
Why do people forget to mention their server?
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