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Gay Guys like me more then girls

thank you that was vary insightful and encouraging
Hmmm I have gay friends and if they really like a guy they just go for it and tell the person. The thing is you seem to be taking care of your appearance a lot, like building your body muscles and taking care of your hair and for a strange reason hetero guys look a bit sloppy somehow ALWAYS. The way they move and walk too. Maybe that's what is giving other people (that don't know you so well) the gay vibe. There is also the fact that some girls don't like muscular guys...
There is no good advice here, you don't even give any context... No scenarios. Nothing. Gay guys have hit on me ( Rarely, but I can take a compliment from either sex.). Is this a legit concern? Do you fear there is something wrong or "defective" or "gay" that someone can just see by looking at you? First, lose the shirtless picture if you have ANY hope of a relationship from here (unlikely, but it happens). Second, quit worrying and become more secure in who you are. Either this is a joke or you're just not very bright. Either way, enjoy a compliment, move on and go after who you're interested in.
I am leaning toward joke or there is no hope for humanity.
Im shirtless in my pic because what I do is Cage fighting and im shirtless a lot.(I want my pic to represent how I am in person rather then how I wish to be viewed) I made the post because I Wanted to know if something about me screamed im gay. so I guess in a way ya i do fear there is something gay that someone can see by looking at me, plz do not be rude to me this post is not a joke. I was just hoping maybe people with a little more life experience would be able to help me out.
I'm going to be real with you (since people can't be apparently) you do look well kept, nice, and I think I can see why men are aiming towards you. From my observations, you do seem to have really nice looking facial features that seems to attract men. I'm not saying girls aren't, but maybe they don't want a clean well kept guy, which is a shame and a waste in my opinion...anyway, I'm not saying to change yourself, just try to be patient and I'm sure a women will come around that will appreciate you keeping yourself well kept and looking nice. Also, just appreciate the compliments your getting from men, decline their offer and just move on. Nothing you can do about that, just dont be rude. I hope I was able to help some.
thank you and I guess maybe I just need a change in environment maybe its just the people where I live are not into the style and personality I put off.
Hey, don't think you need to move or change yourself for other people. Do that because you want to, not because of what might make other people like you. It's your decision in the end, just try not to let this get you down. As long as you are happy with yourself and just stand proud. Be yourself, that right person will come along :)
I actually have about the same problem. Although with me, a third of my friends are gay, bi, or trans, so I'm kinda on the cusp of that scene all the time. So when I hang out with them, assumptions tend to be made. And the long hair probably doesn't help either. Neither does the asexual vibe I give off when I'm talking to girls. I think the key though is to make women feel as though they are desired. I mean in a way that they are comfortable with. Like there's not much you could do about dudes hitting on you. If there's a history of that happening, it will happen. So when you talk to girls whom you are attracted to, just make them feel wanted in a way that isn't creepy or annoying. Respond to them, give them attention, and don't be pushy. Look them in the eye, compliment the things that they look as though they put a lot of effort into (And take interest in it, yourself), and all that stuff. This won't make women love you, but will at least convey which gender you are without a doubt looking for in a relationship. Then again, you probably already do this, so who am I to give advice? I'm pretty bad at attracting women. XD
Lmao. i understand 100% bro. Same here. its weird asf..
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