Physics of F4

asutorido @asutorido
Physics of F4
asutorido @asutorido
Anything physics and anything game related. Anime physics is impossible

impoftheperverse @impoftheperverse
commented on
Physics of F4
impoftheperverse @impoftheperverse
Well. Physics. If it can be non anime related, there was this study about cats being both solid and liquid (it won an Ig Nobel prize). What does F4 stand for?

portalpro14 @poralpro14
commented on
Physics of F4
portalpro14 @poralpro14
And I thought Schrödingers cat was fun, this is more FUN

saeko @gotchicho
commented on
Physics of F4
saeko @gotchicho
Does bow master count ha?ha?

Manga_bird @manga_bird
commented on
Physics of F4
Manga_bird @manga_bird
F4 you say...
I'm not sure what they have to do with physics though.
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