Overwatch players assemble

Lonelywolf @neptunesan
Overwatch players assemble
Lonelywolf @neptunesan
With the overwatch anniversary out , its time to grind those loot boxes for those skins <3 , anyone wants to play together ? PC yuki#11349 , i can play on both eu or americas but mostly americas

Raxin @raxin
commented on
Overwatch players assemble
Raxin @raxin
Hey! overwatch unite! im EU but im thinking of hopping around too! let me know where you settle. Raxin#21126

Lonelywolf @neptunesan
commented on
Overwatch players assemble
Lonelywolf @neptunesan
added : 3 , well u could come over to americas ^^

Raxin @raxin
commented on
Overwatch players assemble
Raxin @raxin
Thanks for the add, i certainly can, if my local eu buds flake I'll jump over, if not I might make another acc exclusively to travel around with.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Overwatch players assemble
neeto @neet_one
Played a bit over this past free weekend and a lot over the last free weekend. It's not bad but still can't really see myself ever buying the game. Gets kinda boring pretty quickly.

Lonelywolf @neptunesan
commented on
Overwatch players assemble
Lonelywolf @neptunesan
@Raxin u dont actually have to make another account to jump over u can switch between the 2 regions easily
@neet-one u have to play with friends for it to be fun imo

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
Overwatch players assemble
thatguytony @thatguytony
I'm down for overwatch (I'm a damn good reinhardt if I do say so my self) message me for my gamertag
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