league of legends

Fumie @fumie
league of legends
Fumie @fumie
Looking for new buddies to play with me. :x Honestly want to get better at this game.

Error...Errror @joshua
commented on
league of legends
Error...Errror @joshua
sure why not: Otacon Gear Rex

Fumie @fumie
commented on
league of legends
Fumie @fumie
Added! :O

puzzles @puzzles
commented on
league of legends
puzzles @puzzles
Not that great at it but here is my IGN: TriipyRemiix

heroesneverdie @heroesneverdie
commented on
league of legends
heroesneverdie @heroesneverdie
Sure, Ign:NeoVulcan

. @ragnrok
commented on
league of legends
. @ragnrok
If you're still looking at this, Its Cosmo D (my IGN)

iVinx @patrick7575
commented on
league of legends
iVinx @patrick7575
iVinx, im always down to play ( If u dont mind losing :P)

Wandering Weeb @lazybum123
commented on
league of legends
Wandering Weeb @lazybum123
I'm diamond 4 but was a challenger last season SatellaEmillia (PH Sever)

Cloud @demon807
commented on
league of legends
Cloud @demon807
TypicAngel <--- IGN ^~^ im not that good but would love to play!

Ohad @ohad
commented on
league of legends
Ohad @ohad
How come nobody mentions their server?
Am I missing something?
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