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I haven't had a Girl Friend ever

lol, dweeb
The worst thing a girl can say is “no”. It’s funny because that’s not the worst thing I’ve heard but sure. We can go with that. I don’t know, I’ve had good experiences with people I can feel comfortable with, talking and finding something in common. I think part of the reason I joined this site is because anime is something I care about a lot, and can be the most the dividing thing with some people. The biggest deal breaker for some and that sucks.
Don't "try to get the girl" Love is something that happens between best friends given time and affection. If you go about it like you're hunting for the perfect catch, you won't get anywhere. Make friends, hang out with them, if love happens then hey, lucky you.
Not that it is a big deal but making a thread called "never had a girlfriend ever" and then saying you had one in middle school is contradictory. But no need to explain yourself, I don't care it's just I'm seeing it and nobody said anything and I'm like what a discrepancy we got here... *ahem* but yeah I get what you're coming from, talking to people can be hard. I think what might be good is not asking for a relationship. Do not seek commitment. Do not ask if they can be your girlfriend. I think it scares people away because you're forcing a decision on them right away. Don't say you love her right away, you don't even know her you desperate boi, she'll think you're creepy. Ask if you can sit down, hang out and ask if you can see/talk each other again. Let them judge you and like you. If they don't, that's ok, that's rejection and at least you tried. Try talking about education and jobs, everyone went through this so you'll have something to talk about. Ask about food, everyone loves food. And like after the short chat maybe you can say something like "I think I love you, love at first sight, I'd be interested to go further if you wish, you're a great girl". Tell her how pretty her hair is, or her skirt or something, but not everything about her, don't overdo it. If you're shy and you stutter it's ok, she won't think you are retarded or stupid or anything, she's just gonna think it's hard for you to do this but you're trying. Just don't act needy or creepy. Disclaimer: I have no idea if any of this work, it just sound right to me. It may work on some people and totally not work on others. I haven't tried any of this before either.
talking to girls online should be a good start, but just remember that girls arent some strange creature or that all girls are waifu material theyr just normal people, like you they are are no better or worse than you practice should help, without wanting to date them so your on equal ground
if you can't even befriend a woman and see her as a normal person and not a seperate race from males then you dont get a gf until you DO befriend women the same as you do men unless you wanna be a fuckboy then just copy barney from how i met your mother and document it so i know how it goes
You'll need pokeballs for this...
^ masterballs
Why do we keep necroing stuff
Jan 07, 19 at 7:24am
For the lolz
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