What manga(s) are you reading?

bluuenvy @bluuenvy
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
bluuenvy @bluuenvy
I'm reading a bunch, but the ones that I can remember off the top of my head are Tsubaki-Chou Lonely Planet, Namaikizakari, and Takane to Hana

Neverland @dakoya
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
Neverland @dakoya
Haha, I just so happened to have these tabs open!

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
This account has been suspended.

kingaj @kingaj
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
kingaj @kingaj
Currently running One Piece, My hero, One punch , Attack on titan, black clover, kingdom, berserk, Baki, and hunter x hunter. The others I can take a break and let some chapters build

aho girl @ahoonnanoko
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
aho girl @ahoonnanoko
My list
My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong as Expected
My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia Vigilantes
That Sky Blue Feeling
Caterpillar Girl and Bad Texter Boy
Go For It, Nakumura!
Juni Taisen Zodiac War
Record of Grancrest War

,.,,,, @anyuchi
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
,.,,,, @anyuchi
I recommend Poison City, it deals with cencorship and freedom of speech.

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
Black butler
Okua san
Elf san who can't diet

Nocturnal @nocturnalxassassin
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
Nocturnal @nocturnalxassassin
Black Clover
My Hero Academia
One Piece
Hunter x Hunter
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

bensmith2001 @bensmith2001
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
bensmith2001 @bensmith2001
ive been reading Uchi no Hentai Maid ni Osowareteru

kartia9 @kartia9
commented on
What manga(s) are you reading?
kartia9 @kartia9
Bleach, Gintama, darker than black, hayate the combat butler, kuroshitsuji, berserk my hero academia ....
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