Ban reasons.

Ed~ @yamadaed
Ban reasons.
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

Daggera @daggera
commented on
Ban reasons.
Daggera @daggera
So you did get banned? I thought as much, but I am curious as to why as well?

Ed~ @yamadaed
commented on
Ban reasons.
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

Ed~ @yamadaed
commented on
Ban reasons.
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

Ed~ @yamadaed
commented on
Ban reasons.
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

Daggera @daggera
commented on
Ban reasons.
Daggera @daggera indeed.

Azure Chevalier @silhouettes_02
commented on
Ban reasons.
Azure Chevalier @silhouettes_02
^ stole my website rename.

Daggera @daggera
commented on
Ban reasons.
Daggera @daggera
It is mine now. Thanks for the idea. ^_~

Daggera @daggera
commented on
Ban reasons.
Daggera @daggera
Ed said he got banned again so he wanted me to post this on his behalf.

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
commented on
Ban reasons.
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
I've been seeing this going on all week, and I've tried to keep my mouth shut, but...
Ed, whatever the reason, intentionally or unintentionally, you did something to seriously upset someone... Yes, people will 99% of the time side with a crying girl who got her feelings hurt, over the guy that hurt them, regardless of the logic behind it... Women don't operate on your logic. They operate according to their emotions. They will cry when they feel a reason to cry, no matter how correct or logical you try to be.
And as a man, you gotta man up and just apologize for hurting their feelings regardless of the logic, simply because you did in fact hurt them. It's basic manners and simple curtesy.
It's a fact of life that by a majority, men are seen as the stronger sex, and women are seen as needing protection. Don't bother trying to take the political correct equality stance, that doesn't even factor into it. Just get used to. Man up and stop crying about getting banned and whether or not it was justified. It happened. Posting all this and dredging it all back up won't change it.
By all means be yourself, you got the freedom of speech, but if you say something even slightly a-hole-ish, for any reason, you gotta be prepared for the blow back too... even if it is an extreme over-reaction. That's a part of life too... Matter of fact you should always expect an extreme over-reaction from women, as a matter of simple self-preservation. Hell has no fury like a woman's scorn. It's the truth.
In this post, you literally were asking to get banned again. You've made people mad... You're making moderators mad... Stop poking the bear already.
And seriously, if you don't want Teacup to talk to you anymore. Then just don't talk to her. Don't antagonize her by ranting on her wall. Don't drag all this stuff out all over again. Just let it go and don't talk to her.
Shit doesn't have to make sense. From women's perspective, men are insensitive jerks. And from guys perspectives women are crazy. Just learn to accept it and move on with your life.
I get you're young, but seriously. Man up.
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