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Apr 28, 19 at 5:29am
@kratos couldnt tell if that was aimed toward me or not. If it was im just gonna say in no way, shape or form should it take me 2 hours to speak to someone in customer service. I sorta deal with customer service with my job and if i cannot fix an issue within 10-15 mins, i pass onto someone who can. This wasnt a 15 min wait this was a 2 hour wait and i know there are multiple people at these call centers. Everyone cant be busy for 2 hours. Especially at 5 pm. Edit: if it takes you more than 10-15 mins to fix someone's problem you are pretty much wasting their time. Ik people where i work dont even want to give me that much time they want it done in 5 minutes. Plus the supervisor i spoke with told me i was correct for being mad cuz it took me 2 hours just to hear something that could've been said in 1 minute
Baka @reinhardt76 commented on Vent
Apr 28, 19 at 6:18pm
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IDC @lovemyweird commented on Vent
May 01, 19 at 1:08pm
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rayelight @rayelight commented on Vent
May 03, 19 at 7:56pm
How you gonna tell me I'm being passed up for a promotion because I'm not a man?!
What is it with people assuming gender is the reason they get short changed? People are out to make all the money for themselves. Do you really think they would restrict who they would rip off?
Cero @cero commented on Vent
May 03, 19 at 8:32pm
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rayelight @rayelight commented on Vent
May 03, 19 at 9:57pm
That's the thing. No assuming was necessary. That was the explanation provided to me and I find it ridiculous that they actually said that. Tell me I'm not experienced enough, not efficient enough, not personable enough. Screw me over without being vague and insulting about it.
May 03, 19 at 11:36pm
Why do the REDUCE the number of flights out of a college town airport DURING STUDENT MOVEOUT?! That's when we need MORE flights, NOT LESS!
Onizuka @averageboss commented on Vent
May 03, 19 at 11:40pm
Probably to induce panic and encourage early sales would be my guess.
May 04, 19 at 12:11am
Early sales my ass! Everything is booked full or overbooked for 2 weeks. I shit you not. 2. Full. Freaking. Weeks. We have no seats available, and if a flight cancels(which happened today) we've got these people who are now either stuck here until those opens seats come around in 2 weeks or driving/taxiing to the nearest international airport(4 hours away by car) in order to catch their flights from there.
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