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Are People Really Born Straight or Gay?

Put simply. Everyone is the same at base. People have certain predilections, some born with and some gotten afterwards. So some men are born with the predilection of being sexually attracted to penises just as some have the predilection of liking alcohol too much. And in the same way a man who lives his life out as being gay is the same is a man who gives into alcohol and becomes a drunkard. On the flipside a man can not be a slave to his desires and live life as a normal man. Now for homosexual behavior there is also a second explanation, I find it disturbing just how many children who are molested end up becoming gay and molest other children when they're older.
Being genetically predisposed to being an alcoholic doesn't make you crave or even desire alcohol, though. You have to drink first before you ever crave or become an alcoholic. I mean, I can easily become addicted to heroin, but if I never do it, I'll never crave it or become addicted. Drugs are a bit of a bad example. Unless you're saying you chose to be straight and didn't actually have an innate desire. You know, like you actually had to contemplate and choose. Sexual attraction is a bit different. I mean, if it weren't, that means even wanting to have sex would strictly be a choice and not a natural built in desire. I don't choose to get hungry or thirsty, I just do. I don't choose to get horny, I just do. Now, can I choose to not have sex? Most certainly, but that doesn't stop the natural built in desire from being there. Also, I find it disturbing that you don't have any kind of statistics to agree with or prove your final statement. What you're trying to say is that gay people are rapist pedophiles at heart.
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i believe yes, please are born straight or gay, but at the same time one can become gay through traumatic events
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Well if you are talking about the mindset of being straight then not because your brain is not developed. As for why a male would defined himself as other its by mostly emotion, experience and some kind of chemical imbalance within them. Even if you believe in religion or not, mother nature decided or selection decided you were a bit and talking about it from a science possible way to not get involve with religion. Two males can not reproduce on their own without advance science the same goes for female. It is not organic and according to vegans and some doctors the organic way it's more natural thus should be the way to go. I said should be but it's not and we have idk how many genders that you can change on depending on the way you feel at that specific moment. As far as me Im Christian and I believe that men was created for the women and vice versa. So yes if you dumb it down and simplified it I would like to say that I out of 10 would be straight and there will always be that different which most likely have something wrong with them mentally and emotionally.
@yaasshat Your first point doesn't take away from my point in any way. There is always a spark that triggers it. I have a friend who has a long family history of alcoholism, he isn't one though since he has never had a drink in his life. In the same way there could easily be a man who has a predilection to homosexual behaviour, but since there never was a spark to ignite it. Normal sex is akin to eating normally. You have a healthy desire for both. However homosexual sex is akin to gluttony. It is a perverse corruption of what is healthy and normal. However at this point we are just tossing analogies at each other, so I suggest we stop. Yes. That is precisely what I am saying. I don't think its a coincidence that all of those priests who were fucking children also went to gay clubs. Nor do I think any other of the countless cases I've seen are coincidences. As for a study, as much as I would love one we arent going to get one. Anyone who would attempt to do that would be committing social and academic suicide. So in the meantime the best I can tell you to do is go look up a bunch of these cases and keep in mind that this is only 2% of the population. @Spike There are no sterile environments anymore. I wasn't saying they had to have been molested, thats just what I was focusing on. We live in times where both men and women are hypersexualized, that would be enough for some people. Now that's some Jewish logic if I've ever heard some. So what you are saying is that there are only two options, we can either fully accept the gays or we can kill them. Are you sure there is nothing in between those two? Because last time I checked we used to not accept them, but we also didn't kill them.
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a thread where people who have no idea talk about things they dont know :3
Didn't I start something lovely @Lamby?
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