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So I pissed off my Girlfriend...

So I have this Gay friend whom i'm pretty cool with, but I also have a girlfriend whom I love dearly, anyway~ So me and him thought it would be funny to joke around with her via saying that we're dating(Poor taste~ I know.) So we told her and she Immediately got confused... and then suspicious... then angry... she hasn't texted me back for the past 3 hours or seen any of my apologies, I've decided to let her sleep it off and apologize to her directly tomorrow. She has a great humor and can have a dark humor like me sometimes when we game, and the three of us are pretty good friends... You guys think I went too far? I do regret it and apologized to her, I don't wanna lose her over a stupid thing I did. Any feedback? Update: To be perfectly fair, she did the same thing to me with her bestfriend whom is a girl, as I remember.
Mar 08, 17 at 10:21pm
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Immediately after I told her, I said I was joking. But you're right.
Honestly if you give her a heartfelt apology and she doesn't accept it there isn't much you can do. Its tough sometimes to read the emotions of others and see what will be taken the wrong way, especially when talking about the opposite sex. I think your going to be fine and if not then your sense of humor doesn't align with her and problems will always grow out of it. Getting upset with each other is not a sign of a bad relationship, but the unwillingness to talk through it is. I do hope things work out between you two.
You either avoid any conversation like that in the future or break it off.
Ok... So you joked about being gay and she got pissy? Sounds a bit rash and untrusting on her part. I mean, does she really believe you'd throw her away and out of the blue, turn gay? It's a joke and if trust/knowledge of character had truly been there, it really shouldn't have been believable from the get go. A question, if I may? By "cool with", do you mean you have had actual tendencies to think of him as more than just a friend and if so was she aware? I mean, then I can understand her thinking it might be an actual possibility. But, to just randomly say that, it should've seemed out of character to her and she should've seriously questioned it from the beginning instead of believing it off the bat and getting mad when you say "It's just a joke, bro!". This situation either is indicative of underlying distrust or you're really just to "fabulous" not to believe. I just wonder, how far or rather, how long did you let the joke play out? If you knew she believed, you should've stopped right away instead of making her feel worse by truly believing. I see fault on both sides, but really, I see a young and possibly immature relationship. Hey, it's good to joke, but something about this screams of people who aren't thinking logically. Sorry if I'm brash, but I'd rather be honest than candy coat.
your profile pic kinda suits the situation yeah i guess let her sleep it off, if your use to pranking eachother it should be fine but never do this again as clearly she is not ok with it :P
Good news gentlemen, The system works and shes no longer mad at me... We're off to get chocolates now!
Yeah late advice, but chocolates and other food is great for calming the storm =w=
Good. Don't do it again though. I have learned you can NEVER joke with a woman.
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