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Hello again Mai-Otaku!

Been a good minute, I'm back, although i'd like to apologize for my actions 9 months ago. I spoke too harshly and with a obfuscated viewpoint about what I felt and thought, regardless... I hold no-more ill will towards that individual whom i spoke too harshly and immaturely about at the time; though i wish them the best presently and have no intention of starting anymore unnecessary drama. I hope my actions at the time did not ruin my friendship with my old friends and acquaintances. Anyway, How have'ya been MO?
Feb 16, 17 at 11:25pm
This account has been suspended.
oh shiet, welcome back dude! Have fun again around all of these weirdos.
Feb 16, 17 at 11:30pm
Says one weirdo about another...
Hey guys! Yeah, I miss this community honestly... Though now that my financial situation is far better, I'm expected to start university next fall, Since i've been perpetually working like a slave and have accumulated quite alot due to my workaholic phase the last 8 months.
I only see yaasshat affirming his participation in said club o.o
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