How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself

Lamby @momoichi
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How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Lamby @momoichi
agreed pillows, id rate 10/10 from your pics

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
commented on
How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
Physically 4/10 I don't see my self as attractive
Socially 5/10 I'm friendlybut I can get anxious and stuff and makes really socially awkward

Voss @combatvoss
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How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Voss @combatvoss
Im just asking what can women do to show affection that men can't. I'm sure you'd have things that would work for me and things that wouldn't.
Also Pillow you did undervalue yourself. Not into dudes but if I was than 10/10 would smash

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I like how I look. I don't need to competitively rate myself. That's a good way to get depressed.

Voss @combatvoss
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How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Voss @combatvoss
Or just be silly and have fun with this but good for you.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Chocopyro @chocopyro

Voss @combatvoss
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How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Voss @combatvoss
That's the spirit

Kawa @kawa
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How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Kawa @kawa
The thing is i'm not a fan of how I look as it's not a true representation of who and what I am I would rather recreate myself to better reflect who I am so the out side matches the inside. A heart of metal and a mug to match. Basically my dream look would be cyber punk kinda like this but not 100%

commented on
How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Physically - 2/10 I'm ew, not to mention that I barely sleep or eat, drink a shit-ton of coffee and overwork. Which actually takes a pretty visible toll on me lol.
Socially - 0/10 I'm prob the most introverted person you'll ever come across. *shrugs* I dunno, being exposed to people's presence for too long leaves me more exhausted than trying to make macarons. *tableflip* FUCK! I WILL GET THE BATTER RIGHT....eventually....
The point being, it's near impossible to make me open up to somebody. Which understandably wards off people and makes me a social scarecrow.
Am I fun? - 5/10 Ummmm guess it depends on what your idea of fun is? Apparently I'm a good listener and comfortable to talk to about pretty much anything including personal stuff without holding back. Or at least that's what those few rare close people I had said about me, I'm not sure haha.
Partner - Wouldn't know, never had one.

Cero @cero
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How attractive would you say you are? Rate yourself
Cero @cero
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