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Hello Everyone!

Found this site while bored af, looking forward to meeting people! I can have long conversations about random things. I'd like to avoid cringe if possible, but if humor dictates this I'm all for it! ^-^
Oh man that is awesome you will fit in here at MO k so don't worry.^^ I'm InDoorOtaku and it's nice to meet you. http://orig11.deviantart.net/454f/f/2014/295/2/2/the_devil_s_a_part_timer_smih_urushihara_by_wolfiemoonsong-d83se85.jpg
Feb 01, 17 at 1:21pm
Thank you much! I'm not much of a forum person so we'll see.
Just don't piss of anyone haha last time I done that and he ummm ok you don't want to know anyway plz enjoy your stay at MO.^^
You'll find it's quite a mixed bunch here. Enjoy your stay. http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
Feb 01, 17 at 4:49pm
Thank you
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