Dutchlands HO!

TheKingofWomp @thekingofwomp
Dutchlands HO!
TheKingofWomp @thekingofwomp
I'm looking for a person or a group of people to be retarded with at whatever con is next on the calender,
which is either dutch comic con or animecon.

nintend0g @nintend0g
commented on
Dutchlands HO!
nintend0g @nintend0g
*raises hand slowly*

RobertN @robertn
commented on
Dutchlands HO!
RobertN @robertn
I've only been to smaller con's but would love to go to comic or anime con <3 I can probably drive if there are people going in my area (Gorinchem) :)
Here's a list of Dutch conventions:
I'll be going to Elfia & CastleFest. I know, not specifically anime related but if people want to meet up there that could be cool.

Bulbalight @bulbalight
commented on
Dutchlands HO!
Bulbalight @bulbalight
I'm not from the Netherlands but I wanted to say that I love your country! You guys are doing everything right and I wanted to share some love ^_^ <3 With love from the UK! :3

TheKingofWomp @thekingofwomp
commented on
Dutchlands HO!
TheKingofWomp @thekingofwomp
Wish I'd have the cash and guts to just go to some neighbouring country for cons, but alas, I don't.
Gonna go to dutch comic con with my bro, so that's the earliest option I guess.
Shame tsunacon died, it was probably my favorite.

afrodestinyfan @afrodestinyfan
commented on
Dutchlands HO!
afrodestinyfan @afrodestinyfan
I'm going to animecon for sure! I'm not sure about Dutch Comic Con. It depends how many of my friends are going.

oddluck @oddluck
commented on
Dutchlands HO!
oddluck @oddluck
Also am looking for a group or something for animecon.

zaetro @zaetro
commented on
Dutchlands HO!
zaetro @zaetro
going to comic con this week
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