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Bulbalight @bulbalight
Bulbalight @bulbalight

Bulbalight @bulbalight
Bulbalight @bulbalight

Bulbalight @bulbalight
Bulbalight @bulbalight
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Bulbalight @bulbalight
Continue? YES/NO
Bulbalight @bulbalight
I normally don't need this as I am someone can think for themselves but I'm in a bit of an awkward situation.
So I met this guy online who lives nearish me and I will have to admit that he's not that bad of a looker. However we haven't even started dating yet, just seeing each other and already I am having doubts.
I shall list below why but I will have to admit that I do work many hours and he is Autistic which is why I'm struggling to decide whether or not I want to start dating.
But here are the reasons for my doubts:
Day 1 - starts talking about sex, his fantasies and even told me when we would start and finish jacking off!
Starts loving all of my photos even ones that aren't that attractive!
Day 2 he was fine
Day 3 he's been saying how lonely he is and that he's unemployed and has not friends (which I feel sorry for him but I can't stop working just because he needs me to talk to him). I told him that he should be more productive and try doing things that keep me off his mind until I was available to talk
Today he was saying how he's wanting to talk all the time, sending me voice messages and sounding pretty upset!
It's coming across a tad desperate and I understand that he has had abusive ex's but so have I! I feel sorry for him because he reminds me of a younger me who was suffering with depression. I want to help him but at the same time I also wish to advance my career and I don't think this desperation he's giving off on the 4th day is healthy for him and me. I will admit that 1 work 2 jobs that are very demanding but I'm trying to give him 3 - 4 hours a day from my schedule but he wants more than that!
However I appreciate his quirks and how he's unique but this seems to be a lot of pressure for him and I don't think he is ready for a relationship as of yet!
Is it him being too desperate? or is my lifestyle just way too busy?
Kingdom Hearts and Zelda

Bulbalight @bulbalight
commented on
Kingdom Hearts and Zelda
Bulbalight @bulbalight
I've never played Zelda (but I plan to :) ) however Sora is my waifu for laifu! (older Sora that is XD)
Kingdom Hearts is messed up but brilliant at the same time! I have pre-ordered KH 1.5&2.5 on PS4 from GAME for the limited edition 15th Anniversary set :D <3