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And whom might you be?

Jun 03, 18 at 11:31am
This account has been suspended.
Jun 03, 18 at 12:12pm
This account has been suspended.
This thread.Another self-introduction of mine!!!!!!!!*copies and pastes
Our old self-introductions.........
Heyo! My name is Jamie and I'm some 23 year old weirdo from England! Currently going between job to job to find the perfect one just for me but I'm currently a warehouse operator and needless to say it's basically legal suffering :D My dream career for the future would be a writer for film, TV, games or even as a successful author and/or doing voice acting for a living which definitely sounds fun! I adore video games, anime, Youtube videos, talking to people, making friends and I do some reading and writing here and there - hoping to properly get back into both soon o/ I bloody hate heights and broken glass - they're very much my phobias but otherwise I'm indifferent to most things; probably because I can't think of many things to hate from the top of my head :'D But I too hate drugs - don't see the point of them x_x So I think that'll do me for now - I've been on this site for god knows how long now so I might as well post about how much of a total pleb I am in this thread woooo exciting! :D
I am Tsunpaper Also known as Tsun. I am not a tsundere. I am just the lord of unusual circumstance. My powers allow me to make things incredibly awkward. I am also a magician I make the magic happen...... but seriously just read my profile lol
Aug 16, 18 at 6:24pm
Ok so, Hello, I'm a 20 year old college student who loves anime and basketball. I layed sports throughout my entire life and although was the captain of the basketball team in high school, I was a closet otaku. I have a broad sense of humor, I like dirty, witty, dark, and i guess regular jokes... point is I find a lot of stuff funny. I worked at a gym this past summer and as you can guess Im going back to school soon. Not the biggest fan of drugs but I don't dislike them either if you know what I mean... Im a fan of marijuana, there I said it. I wonder if you guys will nail me on the stake for saying that but I just wanna be honest. Don't want to make this too long but I liked the idea of this new intro thread. Also I appreciate memes, like a lot.
first introduction on this site: "I'm not really all that good with introductions, so, hey! Nice to meet you all." that is all.
I forget who I was. I'm China/Wang Yao now.
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