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Bald guy lives in a house with a machine that breaks down a lot and constantly needs repairs. Lives in a shithole city with an infestation issue. He usually pulls a Fonzy to fix his problems. https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/images/anime/12/76049.jpg
Feb 26, 18 at 1:09pm
TOKYO GHOUL https://images8.alphacoders.com/546/thumb-1920-546902.jpg A Boy finds the hardest way to Dye his hair! :P
ben-to https://pa1.narvii.com/6347/b74164c8984b145d880e032f02154b91f2efa90e_hq.gif Kids beating the crap out of each other over boxed lunches that they still have to pay for
re:zero http://ai.fancaps.net/galleries/Re_Zero/ep01/Re_Zero_Screenshot_0109.jpg Guy goes to the store to buy something and ends up in a different world where he dies over and over yet doesnt lose his mind until a girl rejects him
Mob psycho 100 http://media.comicbook.com/2016/12/mob-psycho-100-jpg-220849-1280x0.png Kid has psychic powers strong enough to bend spoons but chooses to bend over backwards for a girl that shows up like 2 times in the entire season
Feb 26, 18 at 2:15pm
Panda on winning streak!! Time to get serious... https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aIN6BTToTP4/maxresdefault.jpg Attack On titans: A teenage boy trying to get over his anger issues :P
High school of the dead https://images.gogoanime.tv/images/anime/H/highschool-of-the-dead.jpg Cant tell if this is an anime about a zombie apocalypse or what happens to female boobs during a zombie apocalypse
Feb 26, 18 at 2:34pm
https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/a4HlmGXx-miSgKZMI3GFOtT59cY=/0x0:2000x1436/1200x800/filters:focal(899x691:1219x1011)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/52405737/charaMainVisual.0.png YURI ON ICE: just a bunch of gay dudes doing pirouettes with their weenies.
Kuroko no basket http://i.myegy.to/images/515ebb0c6607.739x950.jpeg Me when i play basketball
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