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Treat Yo Self.

Oct 22, 20 at 3:40pm
New uwu https://i.ani.me/0282/1526/20201022_131955.jpg https://i.ani.me/0282/1534/20201022_132741.jpg https://i.ani.me/0282/1546/20201022_133227.jpg PC38X (L) PC373D(M) GAME ONE (R)
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Got my new iphone today, I’m excited to get it up and running, but I’m waiting for my case
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Oct 25, 20 at 8:12pm
*breaks his nose* *cries* XD I'm an asshole for laughing at that. I shouldn't have laughed at that scene.
Oh hell yeah
that's a long cheese knife
“Enki, this name is too masculine for me” “call yourself Ninki which means lady of the earth”.......... Orz..Ninki reminded me of Gilgamesh’s mum....
Well, I finally gave up and spent money on Genshin Impact. Not the proudest moment. I mean hell, I never even spent money on Let It Die! and I enjoyed that game more. - Still, I figured for all the hours I put into it perhaps I might as well pay the people that made the game. Maybe they'd be kind and let me unlock most of the characters... - HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA! - No. At least not for me. - I dropped $120 on this game for the battle pass and roughly 90 wishes. - Know what I got? Amber! - Yeah, fuckin Amber! Worst part is she is a default character for the game. She is your starting party member! - I spend $100 and get a duplicate of a free character. - Genshin Impact is hella whack! Don't waste your dime. - Oh and that battle pass is whack too! I mean yeah I got 2 mil of currency, but that shit empties out on literally one character fast. I still can't even level up all my characters! - Seriously, GI is a trip and I am not kidding when I say they expect people to drop $3,000 to unlock everything. - AND STOP GIVING ME THE EYES VENTI!!! Your damn fault for influencing me to feed the beast known as Paimon my damn credit card! https://upload-os-bbs.mihoyo.com/upload/2020/05/30/1072594/a42a479f19585c5547c399d69a6e2ba4_61122968712918070.png?x-oss-process=image/resize,s_1000/quality,q_80/auto-orient,0/interlace,1/format,jpg https://upload-os-bbs.mihoyo.com/upload/2020/04/21/1096276/8cb7aebc1875dfc47f81ef7170814a0d_2397452219512276755.jpg?x-oss-process=image/auto-orient,0/interlace,1/format,jpg
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