Fire Emblem

royaledva @royaledva
Fire Emblem
royaledva @royaledva
Anyone here play any fire emblem games?
Doesn't matter if it was nes,snes,gba,ds,3ds

endless_dimond1 @endless_dimond1
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Fire Emblem
endless_dimond1 @endless_dimond1
I have played awakening and it is a fantastic game. Its easily one of my favorite games on the 3ds. The art, music, gameplay felt amazing.

Pegaponyprince @pegaponyprince
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Fire Emblem
Pegaponyprince @pegaponyprince
Played most of the games except for Gaiden, Radiant Dawn and never completed Path of Radiance. FE4 and FE6 are probably my favorites.

Ed~ @yamadaed
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Fire Emblem
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

fallencl0ud @fallencl0ud
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Fire Emblem
fallencl0ud @fallencl0ud
I've tried the Awakening demo, I really want to get it if/when it goes on sale!

Pegaponyprince @pegaponyprince
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Fire Emblem
Pegaponyprince @pegaponyprince
I think you might've missed your chance to buy it on sale. It was on sale for $19.99 like two months ago. I would think it gets a pricedrop when the next FE game comes out in May.

Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
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Fire Emblem
Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
I've mostly played then 3ds games. I did play one on the GameCube but that was ages ago

votom @votom
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Fire Emblem
votom @votom
One of my fav series

Wagen @ivo
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Fire Emblem
Wagen @ivo
I've played Fire Emblem 7, 8 and 6 respectively in GBA emulator. Never finished 6 though.

NoblePhantasm @noblephantasm
commented on
Fire Emblem
NoblePhantasm @noblephantasm
I downloaded the Fire Emblem Heroes game that just came out for iOS and Android but the only "proper" Fire Emblem game I've played is Birthright (which I haven't finished :/).
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