Er.... hello?

Vareta @vareta
Er.... hello?
Vareta @vareta
Giving my prerequisite introduction.
As one might assume in being here, I watch copious anime (favorites are Code Geass, R.O.D. TV, and Fate/Zero). Play a fair amount of video games (often anime-themed, just about everything except sports/racing). Also a Touhou fanboy (currently listening to EastNewSound and Alstroemeria Records).
Archetypal INTJ personality.
Joined as I'm socially awkward as hell and terrible at making new acquaintances/friends.
Also I find traditional dating anathema...

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Er.... hello?
Lamby @momoichi
sup, welcome to the site
hope you have fun, theres no need to worry on here
wer all losers (or atleats i am...)

kaizu™ @finecanine
commented on
Er.... hello?
kaizu™ @finecanine
Welcome to the site! x3

kagune159 @hades159
commented on
Er.... hello?
kagune159 @hades159

cuteboss0821 @cuteboss0821
commented on
Er.... hello?
cuteboss0821 @cuteboss0821
Neh? welcome

Vareta @vareta
commented on
Er.... hello?
Vareta @vareta
Thank you for the kind welcomes.

Kazetane @kazetane
commented on
Er.... hello?
Kazetane @kazetane
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