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Hello and Happy New Year!

Hi everyone, I'm Derrick, I guess I used to really be into anime, manga, games, and so on until these last two or so years where I had to really focus on work and school. Basically I have been barely a casual reader for a long while but I still tried to at least follow whatever series I was already following. Now that school's done for me, I am looking to get back into everything, and I am hoping to find more people to connect with through this hobby, read and watch stuff with, chat with, and so on. Definitely hit me up sometime! I am basically taking recommendations for anime, manga, American comics, Jpop, and Kpop. Let me know if there is anything good I need to watch! I have a more extensive list of what I like and don't like on my profile page, so you can check that you too. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Jan 01, 17 at 1:40am
read Tokyo Ghoul and avoid Deadpool kills the marvel universe it's totes over rated also happy new year newcomer!
Thanks for the recommendations! And yes, Tokyo Ghoul's definitely on my list now lol. Any Sci Fi or Slice of Life series out there now I should read or watch? As for the comics, I generally stick with DC, Image, Dark Horse, and some other ones. I don't read Marvel a lot only because the character designs still bug me too much (sorry for anyone who loves Marvel).
Jan 02, 17 at 12:24am
your a rare breed :O! i use to like DC but i switched to Marvel with Spider Gwen and Deadpool xD do you read Harley Quinn :P? what DC has you hooked? Also i love Dark Horse but only know two stories, Hellboy and Watchmen BUT they were the only one to pick up Chobits and translate it so probz to them :D!!
Haha XD yeah I started with DC cause they are the first comics I see when I walk into the comic book shops, plus they were doing the New 52 stuff when I started. A lot of my friends hated it but I think it did its job by making it easier for a new guy like me to get into it lol. I heard a lot of good things about Spider Gwen and I want to get into that eventually. The Punisher comics look awesome too and I want to start that since I thought the movie was pretty cool. For DC right now I mainly follow the Green Lantern stuff, Injustice (ended or is about to end unless they are going to make comics for the new game too), DC Bombshells, The Flash, Aquaman, and Batman Beyond. I kind of read everything else like Superman, Justice League, Harley Quinn, and Batman sometimes depending on what the story arc is about though. I definitely love Dark Horse, IDW, Image, and all the other ones cause they always have new series coming out all the time that I can just pick up and start reading from.
Jan 02, 17 at 2:28am
no deadpool i see :P any reason why? deadpool and harley quinn are kinda the same story concept except harley gets herself into problems while deadpool jumps into them xD Spider gwen is great but they did not give it enough love. It starts when she has powers and only shows you half a page of the insodent and to really get into the plot you have to read other stories like silk and universe wars or whatever (which i hated) i will say i HATE how there revamping stuff in dc (and marvel) they need to just end Batman and those old comics to give light to the smaller comics that dont get the proper attention
Lol don't worry Deadpool is also on my to-read list too. I also kind of want to try the Star Wars comics that Marvel is making but I'm not sure if they're good or not or if they're canon. As for the all the reboots, I'm just kind of rolling with it at this point just to see what's gonna happen lol.
Welcome to MO bro!
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