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What exactly is this site about?

Honestly, I've been here for months and I'm not sure anyone knows...I just have it bookmarked as "the void" at this point and kinda roll with it. xD Anyway, welcome to the site! I don't personally care to date unless I really clicked with someone...so far I've made some good gaming buds on here and that's what keeps me coming back. Just have fun with it I guess! (though as for dating I'd say this site is more about friends than that per say...but you'll always find those who will say otherwise. as long as nobody get's creepy they're cool by me lol).
Well I'll say you gotta reach out to people or you might not get too many "hello's" lol. Just seems to be the nature of the site, some find it useful and make lots of friends, some seem to disappear. Couldn't tell ya why tbh. You certainly added enough about yourself though haha. I'm probably one of the few people on this site who isn't introverted...well not anymore anyway. That probably works in my favor. But still doesn't help if you don't have any friends who are really into gaming and such other than NBA and such >.> But reach out to others for sure and I doubt you'll feel "isolated" for long! Not sports or excessive shooters (except overwatch). Beyond that pretty much anything is fair game. I probably play on my ps4 a bit more (smite, ffxv, skyrim, and overwatch being my most played atm probably). But I also game on PC too since I have a decent laptop for it- civ6, l4d2, ori...another longg list. xD I have a 3ds too but if its not pokemon, zelda, or monster hunter I probably don't touch it. ^^' How about yourself?
Hi oyskrz Still pretty new here myself. Tbh it seems to be about hopefully signing up, then realising there aren't a lot of active members and none of them are in your area... So unless you get lucky, are into LDRs, or are happy with just making online friends here, there's not much action in terms of IRL relationships happening (it does seem to happen, just very rare) Glad you changed your mind about everyone being horrible. I used to think like that too a few years ago. It makes the world really suck when you think that way. There's some bad people, true, but I prefer to spend my time thinking about the good ones :) Hey Sparky. Cool to see another MH player. Of the ones you've mentioned I've played L4D2 and Skyrim too (mostly FPS player anyway) but I don't play them atm.
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