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How to convince a girl that i'm real?

So long story short I'm an alpha game tester in the world of dating and from what I can gather from first hand and guides it's a common saying that being ur self is important. I have always had the idea that keeping true to who and what you are is important in attracting the right person. I would not fake or put up a front to make people like me or see me in a way that I am not. So to you guys this all makes sense right? Good I hope so XD. So like I said I've been attempting to find someone that is okay with how I am as a person but after many failed attempts I have been shot down. I have been told by all that were willing to answer that I am to kind. I've been told that it seems fake and they would rather date the guy that is cold or mean because they can relate to that. I personally would never be fake to seem less fake becasue that's stupid. So my question is how can I tell girls that I'm legit and girls what would it take to be convinced that I am really just a nice person not a fake creep?
Time. More exposure will let them know that you are who you are. Im just assumin' you've just started talkin to these chicas.
First thing I want to point out is you resemble a lot in the past. Simply put you're naive. It's not wrong to be nice. Many should apprieciate kindness although it seems like you kind of set a high standard on yourself cause you think women will gradually fall for you just because you are nice. Which is both right and true in some way but I can give a few comments ln that and they are not pretty. Ever heard of nice guy finish last? Sometimes When people are way too nice it's actually kind of creepy. Including myself. It's all about preferences really. Even if I am super nice to women, they simply just won't get attracted to me. Like and love is not the same. They may see you as preference. That doesn't indicate you might be the right one =p tbh you should just be where you are. Don't push your kindness too much into women. Someone may look at you in a different way in the future.
Tell? Convince? Sounds like playing games to me. You come across like an alien meeting humans for the first time. How do you normally interact with people? Remember, women are people too. The first step to letting someone know who you are is the introduction. Hi. How are you? Get shot down? Try again. Rinse, wash and repeat. Always repeat.
They won't know for sure that you're a good guy unless you prove it. The first thing you can do is actually be their friend. Take an interest in their lives by asking about themselves, listen to their problems, and overall just be there for them if they need you. If after all that, they still think you're being fake and they rather be with some jerk, then you're better off without them and just move on.
Dec 05, 16 at 8:30am
So First off thanks for the info! I'll take notes and I'll practice to be a suitable person. I'll only answer the questions that people asked. ^^ Dandaman: Yes and no I've been friends with most of the girls that I've asked out or approached. The girls that I don't know are the ones that I've asked out that I don't really know. I have been asking a lot more women and trying to get a little exposure. yaashat: I used those words becasue there where short I didn't want to be making a big wall of text. I did however make the words kind of sound like a rpg convo but that's just me trying to have fun with my down falls. Thanks everyone I'll use the helpful info to reflect on myself and maybe I'll find away to get started on a healthy relationship. I'll dive into the sea to catch that ship that I've been late getting to!
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