Kingdom Hearts
hikikomori111 @hikikomori111
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Kingdom Hearts
hikikomori111 @hikikomori111
I've played and beaten all of them except Unchained X :p
Yes I'm a diehard fan.
Einjeru @einjeru
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Kingdom Hearts
Einjeru @einjeru
I'm still in the middle of union cross. Level 206 chapter 127
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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Kingdom Hearts
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Kingdom Hearts is just one of those games that's so easy to fall in love with because it's so fun, interesting and does SO much more with the idea of combining Disney and Final Fantasy together in a game series. Fun combat, lovable characters, plenty of story and lore to keep the story players interested even if it gets ridiculously convoluted at times and it's SUPER colourful! I love colourful games, even in the days of the PS2 era I felt a lot of games were washed out with muted colour palettes so seeing a game as vibrant as Kingdom Hearts certainly caught my attention when I was younger.
KojiTheHolyLight @kojitheholylight
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Kingdom Hearts
KojiTheHolyLight @kojitheholylight
Not only that, the best action-RPG that I will play besides Tales of Symphonia, and Secret of Mana and some others that relates to it's similar gameplay! ^_^
blacksamurai782 @blacksamurai782
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Kingdom Hearts
blacksamurai782 @blacksamurai782
I got the entire KH series. Can't wait for KH 3's release.
KojiTheHolyLight @kojitheholylight
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Kingdom Hearts
KojiTheHolyLight @kojitheholylight
KH3 is going to be totally awesome!! ^_^
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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Kingdom Hearts
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
The more I think about it the more Xeanohrt feels like Nomura's author insert in that he wants us to think he's a genius when he's just making things up as he goes along.
asuna_moon @asuna_moon
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Kingdom Hearts
asuna_moon @asuna_moon
If I had more room on my phone I would download the game.
KojiTheHolyLight @kojitheholylight
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Kingdom Hearts
KojiTheHolyLight @kojitheholylight
Yeah for sure it is going to be totally awesome, considering how I spoiled myself seeing others play it
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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Kingdom Hearts
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
Where the Underworld did Demyx go after making his delivery? Is he so under everyone's radar that even Nomura isn't immune to it?
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