old games you still have/play

shiroakai @shiroakai
old games you still have/play
shiroakai @shiroakai
Hi!!! just thought i'd make this topic (not sure if there is already one about this)
well, do you have any old games you still play? for older systems before the times of ps3, xbox 360, wii, you get the idea.
As for myself, i tend to go back and play some of my older games i still have, like "skies of arcadia", "final fantasy crystal Chronicles", "tales of lengendia", "samurai warriors" and FF7. those are just a few games i still have and play to this day. (probably some of my older favorite games)

fateinthecards @fateinthecards85
commented on
old games you still have/play
fateinthecards @fateinthecards85
I sure do! I use my PS3 for everything (including this) beside the obvious disgaea, I'm still play the heck out of the "atelier", "Ar", and "Tales of" pre-PS3 era ones anyway. And don't ask how many hours I've burned on Persona 3/4. heck my NES still works haha

taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
commented on
old games you still have/play
taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
I still play Dark cloud for the PS2, Jak and Daxter and FFX

Ed~ @yamadaed
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old games you still have/play
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

115 @siruboo
commented on
old games you still have/play
115 @siruboo
i have quake 2 & 3. i havent installed them on this pc, im going to

shiroakai @shiroakai
commented on
old games you still have/play
shiroakai @shiroakai
Wow, i wasn't expecting these fast replies. awesome!!! XD anyway, yeah i understand the nostalgia. Playing an old game just does something to you. like even though you know the story/plot, it still feels like a new game and experience. i just think that is amazing when a game makes you feel all these emotions as if it was the first time.

taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
commented on
old games you still have/play
taletellerinabox @taletellerinabox
Even though I know Dark Cloud as the back of my hand, it never ceases to make me smile or simply sat there and enjoy the soundtracks

115 @siruboo
commented on
old games you still have/play
115 @siruboo
i remember playing quake 3 on the dreamcast and quake on the pc when it was new, it was a demo. my mom wouldnt let me get it

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
commented on
old games you still have/play
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
I always go back to the Jak and Daxter games as well as the old ps2 Ratchet and Clank games. Older than that though I often go back to playing Donkey Kong Country on SNES.

shiroakai @shiroakai
commented on
old games you still have/play
shiroakai @shiroakai
Right! i think its amazing that the older games you love can invoke these emotions still, even after so many times you play them.
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