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What are some good signs that a guy/girl wants to see you again? after 1st or 2nd date

What are some good signs,that a guy/girl is really interested in getting to know you,or wanting to go back out on a 2nd or 3rd date? Just curious
Uhhh...When you ask them if they want to go on another date and they say "yes". If they say "no" that's bad. Since most people aren't psychic that's really the only way to know for sure. If they keep making excuses not to see you again and are always busy then they probably don't. If people just communicate it clears things up.
Drop some learn on you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw
lol love casually explained. that guy gets it.
If they go to the bathroom nd u don't see them again, it just means they've fallen so much in love w/u they can't be in the same room as u. The wedding bells in their head are ringing too loud nd they needed fresh air. Don't ask for a 2nd date. Propose, on the spot(well next time u see em)
Ohhhh constant communication like texting after dates is a good sign i think
^Yup, a relationship won't work without good communication.
I wouldn't know, nobody ever wants to go in a date with me
LOL I'm not the marrying kid bearing kinda girl,Well I didn't exactly ask for a 2nd date,more so if we can keep seeing each other LOL
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