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Dating is tough lol.

Even Yaasshat is upset now and I didn't direct anything at him. But whatever, Naomi started shit with me first and so did eggs. I do have autism that hinders my abilities a little and I need more emotional support then I can give back. That's why I throw outbursts once in a while that seem rude to you people or seems belittling. Everything I say means the opposite though in most cases. If you really don't want me around I don't mind if any of you kill me. As long as you kill me fast where I don't feel any pain :)
Oct 28, 16 at 2:50pm
Illumin, You misinterpret things. I'm not upset in the least. I was getting annoyed that you seemed to be getting picked on and this escalated (if we can call it that) to a point where insults were being flung from both sides. While I agree that you have no one to blame if you say you hate humanity, I also think this whole debacle could've and should've been done in a different and less public manner. I was actually being a smart ass against naomi (stupid, yes, but me just being me.) essentially saying you won't like her when she's angry... Hulk 'n what not...never said I was a comedian. Then I sarcastically agreed with a certain snake in a semi mocking sort of way. I'll stop here since this is my first real appearance in a bit and it's getting/has been really stupid and drawn out.
I agree with Yaas. Illu, I think saying things like "I hate all social interaction and don't need anyone" is unhealthy and not likely to be completely true. But I also don't think that's reason enough for people to pick on you, make fun of you, or try and make you feel bad. I think the worst thing you've done so far is continuing to engage with them in an insult fight when it was not at all necessary or helpful. I think you should stop acknowledging them and instead choose to speak with others who might be more helpful and less destructive in their commentary.
I hate people, but get butt hurt when they speak up against my bullshit. Q.Q Maybe if I use my disability as an excuse it will make everything ok and I can continue to be a jackass to everyone and anyone I want and just blame it on that. Its foolproof! Here we go again.
just wondering, eggs. but if he's using his disability as an excuse for being a jackass. what are you using for yours?
@Naomi your long ass rant is literally the single most hilarious and retarded thing in this entire thread. including illuminous' "blow up doll" posts. You sure do seem extremely high and mighty for someone with anger issues who claims to have read the entire thread but cant manage to see all those who defended illu while ALSO telling him the SAME SHIT you're telling all of us as if we dont know it and totally agree with him. I and several others have told illu he was unhealthy and unrealistic in his views. the sentiment of "just get yourself set, improve yourself and things will fall into place" has been repeated over and over by pretty much every single person here numerous times. yet you who "has read the entire topic from the beginning" fails to notice this. get better eyes please. No one agrees with illu on the things you say we agree with him on. So next time you're gonna claim stuff about people that isn't true in a weak attempt to lay some "hard truths" on people, make sure you aren't completely full of shit. You're just butthurt that you got called out for participating in bullying, so you're taking it out on everyone else instead of taking responsibility. And instead of trying to diffuse the situation you choose to spit even more vitriol. You and your "I can always get worse" as if we should all be grateful that you've chosen to only be a partial ass instead of a complete and total one. sorry, not good enough. You seem like the kind of person who's answer to every single relationship problem is "suck it up and get better. shut up stop whining" which is surprisingly, not helpful in most situations and often comes across as no more than insulting and disruptive. consider this me taking a cue from you and "calling bullshit when I see it in an effort to help you realize your shortcomings so you can get better." hope you don't take it personally, tho I really wont lose any sleep if you do.
LOL its official. you have even less social grace than illu. yes yes when you get pissed and end up being a dick then it's everyone else's fault cause we're greasy weaboos. sure sure. keep on randomly throwing insults with no merit and claim it's for their own good or whatever nonsense makes you feel like less of a hatefull asshole. thanks for playing. have fun wherever else you troll off to next.
Lol. Just one minor and completely unimportant point. Illuminous doesn't have "blow up dolls" they are TPE (Thermoplastic elastomer) dolls (over a metal skeleton). I only mention this just because of the artistic quality that goes into making these regardless if you have sex with them or not. Referring to them as "blow up dolls" is an affront to the artists you created them. The detail is very amazing. No, it's not a proper replacement for a real relationship but some people prefer the lack of complications.
I just want to point out that one, no can go without social interaction. If that's the case Illuminous, you wouldn't be on here. Secondly, some people can't control the outcome of things Naomi, sometimes things out of that person's control makes everything go spiraling down. Hostility isn't a way to approach things, nor is assumptions with the added 'name calling.' Lastly, putting people down isn't the right way to go about things. Even if you lead a horse to water, you cannot make it drink, Simply make your point and be done with it, don't bring any negativity to anything. I'm not directing towards just Naomi or Illuminous, it's towards everyone. But Naomi is right, you have to fix yourself before you can honestly go towards a relationship. I'm only 23 and I focused on my life before I wanted to involve someone else, it's just easier to manage in the long run.
@loli I'm aware of the distinction. I only used the term mockingly towards Naomi because thats what she called them. I meant no disrespect to the craftsman involved in their creation. lol.
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