Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
If I decide to start a gaming channel and do what I call a "sweet playthru", who would watch it?
By Sweet playthu or "sweet-thru", I start a game and as I progress, you, the audience, tell me how to play the game. For example, if I play an RPG, until the first boss, I'll play a game my way. After that, from that boss until the next boss, if someone suggests that I play without using any items then I don't use any items unless I must. And then the next time I play with a certain character in my team or I play without healing or whatever.
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
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hoodedfang @hoodedfang
Sounds rather neat. Gives me an idea for a game that could work like that as well. Go for it!
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
yaasshat @yaasshat
I think it sounds like A LOT OF WWORK. What I mean is, you'd have to sort through comments, decide what sounds good, then decide how often you'd want to actually do it (People like consistent updates) or you could live stream, but I'd add other content. In fact, I have other ideas, but it's your thing. Really, it sounds good, but I don't know if it'd really take off just from that concept alone.
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
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hoodedfang @hoodedfang
I agree with Yass. You should probably have things somewhat decided by poll votes.
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
Time out, did you really think I was gonna do every single request that would be posted? Please don't insult my intelligence.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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yaasshat @yaasshat
Is that what was said or even implied?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Kichi, from the last boss, you must grind 100 hours straight before the next boss
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
^^^^ See? Shit like that would get ignored
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
think it was implied. hence me asking
yaasshat @yaasshat
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yaasshat @yaasshat
Not gonna argue even though I did say "sort through". ;P
When are you planning on doing this?
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