Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)

Phoenix @animecountryboy
Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
Phoenix @animecountryboy
what was the most emotional scene from any anime for you? for me it was Isara's death in valkyria chronicles.

guiltycynic @guiltycynic
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Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
guiltycynic @guiltycynic
Casshern Sins episode 8, the song 'A Path' but the whole of the series was quite moving to me.

Manic @mercule
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Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
Manic @mercule
Ive shed some man tears in a good few series, but a couple really come to mine.
When ushio and tomoya finally bond in Clannad AS and then a few episodes later during her Death
Another would be Micheal's death in Macross F. It just hit all the right notes with the sacrifice, klans desperation to reach him, and Sharyl's song.

Schizzo @schizzo85
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Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
Schizzo @schizzo85
Death of Nagisa (you know which series), and i think i posted this exact thing in another post, and as Mercule says, the death of Ushio, god *expletive expletive* saddest thing I ever saw in an anime (almost made me stop watching anime altogether) *hides behind cloak whilst shedding the manlyist tear you ever saw*

FelixOtaku @felixotaku
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Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
FelixOtaku @felixotaku
Most recent would have to be the ending of Guilty Crown the last scene when he puts on the earphones and the music starts playing. Yeah brought a my eye lol

Manic @mercule
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Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
Manic @mercule
Yeah that was pretty sad, but i couldnt get over how bad the ending was to really care. I posted in that other thread i thought it was the worst ending to a series in recent memory

mobored101 @mobored101
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Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
mobored101 @mobored101
Gurren Lagann episode 8 "Later, Buddy" kamina's death.

deuce831 @deuce831
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Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
deuce831 @deuce831
I would have to say some of the top emotional scenes I watched were Nagisa and Ushio. Makoto from Kanon 2006 was a little emotional to watch as well.

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
L Lawliets Death. I cried for like 3 days tama TT.TT

Proud Beast @proudbeast
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Most emotional anime scene (possible spoilers)
Proud Beast @proudbeast
End of either Angel Beats or Ano Hana. So full of sadness!
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