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Sep 07, 16 at 12:47pm
Gaming + girls? BLASPHOMY! I shall stick to my out dated MMO gender ratios and claim that women don't play MMOs! ALL female avatars are controlled by some fat dude named Chuck! https://tsuzukusekai.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/many_men_roleplaying_girls.jpg Actually, I played on RP servers most of the time, so I'm used to hearing female voices on teamspeak. That brings me to another great bonding exercise. Tabletop RPGs and Board games. The latter of which has gotten very impressive nowadays. Its not your monopoly anymore.
Let me start with a not altogether surprising confession: I'm a bit of a gamer... http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/a/a6/Omg-face-3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111202071438 However; before you all start waving your notepads at me, begging for my steam username <--- unlikely I know, but I can dream dammit!.. I'm really picky when it comes to games I like or dislike, for example. Recently i've been playing a WW1 first person shooter called Verdun. My time spent on that game has been very, very entertaining.. not just for me. Playing it with a few buds, laughing uncontrollably as I am spawn-killed for the 50th time... -_-... http://embed.gyazo.com/8a3efcee5cf6c09f16bf630df1a85ea3.jpg ... *Cue Vietnam flash-backs* ... "Poor Bubba" ... *Wipes tear and takes a deep breath* ... Anyway, a family member noticed that I was really having fun on that Verdun game and noticed that the new Battlefield game was of a similar setting. Being thoughtful, that member put (ALOT) of monies to one-side and after a few months bought it for me as a surprise gift. <-- Ain't I lucky ;)... Guess again... http://www.vitalityforgamers.com/images/Gamer-Health/Gamer-Rage.jpg As it turns out, I tend to pick out the faults and bugs of a game like it's a audition for the X-Factor. Donning my Simon Cowell wig, I began to join the multiplayer of BF1... and Holy Kaiser was my Aspergers kicking off like a 'know it all' Tank Enthusiasts, pointing out that a Renault FT's single man turret would never be able to rotate that fast and still be accurate.. To sum it up, I hated the game.. too many faults and not enough whips being deployed at DICE's development centres... http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i-w600/beatings-will-continue-until-morale-improves-5.jpg "At this point I would carry on but I don't want to bore the reader anymore than I already have." To conclude: I hate getting game gifts, even by someone I like/have feelings for. Just gimme the money or something more creative and I will be sure to buy you that fancy horsie toy that you were eying up the other day.. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/441/423/1da.jpg Hey, who said i'll be buying that horse with my money? ;)
Rain @rainx commented on Gaming
Sep 14, 16 at 12:50pm
I'd love to date a gamer girl, but nine times out of ten the ones I meet are usually already taken, way to young for me to consider (under 21), or are lesbians or bisexual girls with little interest in dating guys.
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