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Hey. I guess I'm supposed to do this part so...

I'm new. My name is Renee. I'm excited to be a part of a forum and meet new people with my shared interests; I think it's awesome! Anime, K-drama, video games, and weirdness are all hobbies of mine ^_^ I look forward to having fun here.
Nice to meet you Renee. Hope you enjoy it here. I'm new too, and just getting used to the layout and everything. :p
Nice to meet you and welcome :)
Profile already deactivated.. well I guess some never stay to see the true greatness of mo :C
That's quick. Wonder what change this person's mind.
Why join then erase your profile?
Some people join, don't give it enough time and get frustrated that they can't find the love of their life or have anyone talk to them. If you stay on this site past a certain length of time, you will not want to quit so easily ;3
xD that was very fast..
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