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Women approaching men

@Sanfi, It's the ex I live with that I'm friends with now. I live with her and her family. I actually help them out since I'm the only one with a job. They get ssi, disability and food stamps. It was a mutual sort of break up as we needed different things in a relationship and she decided she liked girls better, partly due to past trauma and partly due to paranoia about getting pregnant. She also considers herself more non binary gender and feels girlish or boyish on different days. But overall works out better with relationships with other girls.
Nov 17, 16 at 5:07am
@Neko Apart from the lack of physical intimacy, that sounds like a good arrangement
It's a good friendship apart from her being a bit too dependent on me for financial reasons. I do need physical intimacy in a relationship.
Nov 17, 16 at 5:10am
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Nov 17, 16 at 5:14am
Let me just say I'm a Lion. I'm not sure I actually believe in all of that, but draw your onw conclusions from the info I just gave :D An analysis would actually be fun. Then I could say if it sort of fits with me as a person and we can speculate on whther horoscope might have influence on how women approach men and the other way around
Nov 17, 16 at 5:18am
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Nov 17, 16 at 8:55am
I never believed in that sort of thing, because growing up I was the complete opposit of a Lion. Later I sort of just grew into that role, while not even noticing it
not gonna say snake didnt do some of the things kassandra is saying but from what he told me. he just isnt interested because you werent what he thought you were. meaning he was interested (i guess) but then something happened that made him not interested. although im not going to say what it is, we should all calm down about it :) im not taking sides here, cuz i actually think both of you are cool. and even though i dont really know kassandra i think she is a nice person. edit: i might be super late with this post but fuck it XD all the good things happen when im gone
@kawaii Imagine me, I'm finding out about all this now xD
Nov 17, 16 at 11:28am
I'm not going to play hard to get. I think it's honestly stupid to beat around the bush. That being said as soon as I realize their feelings I'll either reject them and conversate with them to meet a mutal understanding or have them realize we might feel the same. As soon as I do the latter though they seem to lose interest. They had more fun in the chase and the relationship goes sour. I'm not going to change and pretend to play hard to get just to satisfy someone's need to chase. I have better things to do in my life and never wanted to be an actor.
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