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Voss @combatvoss
Comment to the person above you
Voss @combatvoss
I don't care what you talk about. There's just 1 rule:
-All comments directly address the person commenting above them.
hoodedfang @hoodedfang
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hoodedfang @hoodedfang
Then I'll directly address to you how that could get messed up if more than one person talks at the same time. Though I would just type random text to claim a spot and then edit the post to what I'll really say.
So in other words, I'ma gonna cheat. XD
Monch21 @monch21
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Monch21 @monch21
You rant too much, it makes me bored.
neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
You don't rant nearly enough!
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
This account has been suspended.
Hopesedge @hopesedge
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Hopesedge @hopesedge
Your rants are crazy, unlike mine.
Yu @metaljester
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Yu @metaljester
You have a lot of demons that follow you around.
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