Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
Max @reclaw
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Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
Max @reclaw
Why do I have to be part of this?
*blip* Bardal @bardal
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Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
*blip* Bardal @bardal
xD you dont, but you are welcome to... xDDDDD omg you're fantastic i love you. xDDD
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
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Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
I appreciate the kind words even though I know I don't deserve them. Arigatou.
*blip* Bardal @bardal
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Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
*blip* Bardal @bardal
No one deserves anything. It's only given out of care. :)
actually we all deserve it. No one needs to be left hanging.
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
Arggg...fucking girls I'm not even fucking keep spending all my money! But I live with them so...
Why can't hotel guests go tell their neighbors to be quiet themselves? Fucking take initiative!
Why the fuck aren't hotels noise proof! Should be the first rule of hotel architecture.
Why do all the NEETs here seem to complain about their lifestyle when they are living my dream? But I don't get SSI for being crazy or have rich family to take care of me so I have to work or be homeless.
Fuck my job, I hate it even if it's one of the better ones I've worked.
Popo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @mrpopo
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Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
Popo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @mrpopo
....why am I here?
*blip* Bardal @bardal
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Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
*blip* Bardal @bardal
To comfort us Popo. :D
Loli, has the right idea, hope you feel a little better after that. :o
Max @reclaw
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Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
Max @reclaw
I think we should rather spread the love.
I mean you guys can still vent to me, but I will only reply with comforting hugs.
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
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Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
You should start a Max happy hug thread :)
Max @reclaw
commented on
Bardal hate club!! Vent to the max!!
Max @reclaw
Glorious idea. Done.
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