Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most

Voss @combatvoss
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
Voss @combatvoss
And describe them. A few rules:
1. NO names. Period. This is not a thread to incite harassment.
2. Try to use gender-neutral pronouns( "they", "them", "this person", etc.)and avoid being overly specific.
3. NO guessing names of others. Let me be very clear that this thread is not to shame others.
With that in mind describe a person on this site that really really annoys you. Whether they are obnoxious, arrogant, acts rude to you or others, makes drama, or whatever else.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
This seems like a thread for start drama because someone is going to find out. Unfortunately, I have nothing to contribute to this thread :<

mariahaise @mariahaise
commented on
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
mariahaise @mariahaise
Mariahaise, that bitch, who the hell does she think she is? Breaking the first rule and all. What a little piece of shit.

queeneymemey @queenmemester
commented on
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
queeneymemey @queenmemester
i wanna start a drama with wert. WHY THE HECK IS HE PRETTIER THAN ME THAT HOE.

Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
commented on
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
This account has been suspended.

MaliceRaven @maliceraven
commented on
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
MaliceRaven @maliceraven
All of you.

queeneymemey @queenmemester
commented on
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
queeneymemey @queenmemester
fight me, in the buff.

Daggera @daggera
commented on
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
Daggera @daggera
Hey! He is prettier than me too! D: Those nice legs.

queeneymemey @queenmemester
commented on
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
queeneymemey @queenmemester
and flawless skin i die

Daggera @daggera
commented on
Think of the user on this site that irritates you the most
Daggera @daggera
And beautiful thigh high stockings he looks good in.
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