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Yoko's rejects club.

^Reminds me a bit of my story but can't tell it here.
Jul 30, 16 at 3:24pm
When it comes to being unable to find the right person , it's definitely hurt me more times than I can count. This will be a long one, but thanks to anyone willing to listen. The first time I knew what rejection was like was during my earlier years of college. I transferred to a new school, which I wasn't exactly happy about and contact with most of my friends from the old one was lost unfortunately. So I'm in a new place completely unfamiliar to me, and struggling to meet new friends. I just didn't feel like I belonged, you know? After months of searching and a bit of soul searching, I eventually found an anime club. I was ecstatic as it was only until college that I really put myself out there as an anime fan. There weren't many people in high school that knew about it or cared, so imagine my excitement here. So I found an anime club, met with whom I thought was the president(turned out I was wrong haha) and was immediately smitten. A somewhat fiesty anime fan that just happened to be a martial artist? I just had to get to know her. And so I did, and the feelings definitely seemed mutual from various hints I'd receive and even other members of the club started taking notice. It was a great, and eventually after some time went by I told her how I felt. For reasons unknown to me however, she didn't accept them. It stung for awhile as we would spend so much time together and it just seemed like a match made in heaven. She was going through a rough time and said she just needed a friend. It devastated me though as she became interested in other people a few weeks after. While we were able to work things out as friends, the memory is still there. The second time I felt this way was about a year or two after the 1st event. I'm moving on, what happened happened, I'm putting myself out into the dating world again. Me and the girl from the 1st story formed a new anime club and gathered some members. One of the new members caught my eye, and decided to ask her out. She accepted and I felt on top of the world again. The problem however was that it didn't last very long at all. Maybe about two or three weeks? She was my 1st girlfriend and I she cut things off abruptly. I felt lost, confused, and thought that perhaps it was something I did or something wrong with me. Things made even more awkward considering we were apart of the same club(I had to be there as I was one of the leading members). At the end of the day, I just keep trying and doing what I can to be the best person I can be. Through the countless rejections I've faced(there are many others but those two hurt the most) it really makes me question if I'll truly find someone. That thought haunts me constantly and as a result I've become a closed off and a bit more on the cynical side. I truly hate this as I used to be quite the hopeless romantic of sorts. It doesn't help either that whether I approach a girl directly, send a message to a girl, maybe sit a little closer to engage in better conversation, or any number of ways to just get to know someone that I've been made to feel as though they're just abhorrently bad things to do from people I know. It's just stressed me out quite a bit as I want to get to meet people(On a platonic level and hopefully find a romantic partner) but sometimes people don't meet in the middle or it just falls flat.
Leo, the struggle ish real. But being part of the rejects club means ya someone who don't give up. Besides, if it were dat easy to find your partner it would be a bit less interesting eh? I dunno, i tell myself to treat it like a game ta feel relaxed and continue the battle. Being around ppl in anime clubs and stuff certainly gonna help improve ur chances doe
Hmm never had the chance to be rejected. I've also never been accepted in this scenario ehhhh to much trouble.
Well I get rejected all the time, it's naught new to me so I'm very much used to it at this point - although I've only ever got together with someone on MO once and that was the only time I've asked anyone out on here to be honest. Things were pretty good and it was a lot of fun but then all of a sudden, she just stopped talking to me altogether. I don't know whether it's something I said or if she found someone else IRL but at this point it doesn't matter really, plenty of time has passed since so it's not a big deal. Relationships are great and I love being together with someone but I guess I'm very picky when it comes to women; I have a bad habit of going after the ones who don't like me in the same way and end up rejecting those who do - it's a shame honestly and bit of a vicious cycle but in my opinion, you can't force yourself to like somebody else; if I'm not feeling the same way for them then there's a 95% chance it won't happen. I think I have a lot of qualities that women find attractive in a guy but I guess my taste in women is why I'm almost always single.
Jul 31, 16 at 5:46pm
Well most of my life I have been busy with school and getting my career started that I never tried to hard, when I did it was usually failure. A few years ago I started putting a little more effort into it by looking at dating sites and such. Was rather picky so I would rarely message anyone, but the few I did message completely ignored me. Jump to this year I have been getting a lot more aggressive. Joined multiple dating sites, generally lowered my standards for reaching out to others, and usually messaging someone new each day. The vast majority ignore me. Few that do chat with me usually don't get very far, some mutual, others I just get ignored after a few messages. I guess the story that takes the cake is a couple of months ago I meet some girl at speed dating at a anime convention. We were chatting for a while after and things seem to be going great from my perspective. But when I tried asking about meeting up and at that point she proceeded to ignore me. Might have been one of the most painful rejects I had in years.
Being an old-taku, from my perspective it's a lot harder for someone like me to find someone closer to my age who's into Japanese Pop Culture. Especially in the same area. I consider myself lucky I met and dated someone on here. Though it didn't work out in the long run, our relationship ended because of various issues and life goals. Though it wasn't a bad break up and we are still friends. As far as being rejected, I'll tell you a story about this girl in Canada who I messaged and tried to friend on here. Her tastes got my attention and she seemed very smart. After messaging her and told her my delight of wanting to start a friendship she was so relieved I only wanted a friendship then proceeded to rip me apart. She questioned my email text formatting. Even hassled me about my font color! She claimed to be an amateur writer and she pointed out how she's a perfectionist. Okay, nothing bad with that. Though you can't read tone in text, her emails seemed very mean. I thought to myself that maybe she just doesn't know how to talk to people. But I kept my cool and didn't become a bitch in my replies. After that disaster I unfriended her and never communicated with her again. I should make that email exchange public. Maybe into a PDF. Later down the line, she posted in her profile she's only using MO as an anime list of sorts. Later on, out of boredom, I discovered her YouTube channel and videos. Wow, what a nutbar. I dodged that bullet. Technically not a rejection but I'll come across bi or curious girls who eventually only want to date other girls which brings me to another thing. I tend to like girls who end up having little to no interest in men. Which seemed true with the amateur writer. Whomp-whomp. I did ask someone on here out recently but I'm waiting for an email back. I'll report back but I'm going to predict is going to be a "no". Primarily because I'm brown and not white which brings me my next issue I have. Asians who date outside their race only date white. I've dated white, Hispanics, and Blacks before but never Asian. Though I am curious and interested they always reject me. So, being in Japan is really going to suck in that aspect. I've known it for a long time and a buddy here on MO and in Japan told me foreigners are seen in a bad light because of crime connected to them. Well, that should apply to white but it applies to brown and non-Japanese mostly. I'm so square I don't have a record of any kind. Guess that doesn't matter. Going more off topic but I wanted to mention something else. I've noticed that the assholes on here are the ones who get the girls. Not going to mention his name but a brony on here was a certified asshole to most users in the forums but had a lot of girls chatting it up on his wall with him. To my disgust when I intervened an assault between him and a girl on her to discovered they dated. I couldn't believe someone as rotten has him somehow attracted this beautiful girl. It was like a slap in the face with his banana. Going back on topic, in my last week of my last job, we hired a tempt. Though I wasn't particularly interested, I thought I tried talking with her. We clicked pretty well that she kept me after work in a good conversation. She gave me her number so I started texting her. I didn't want to ask her out by text, I asked her out during lunch time at work. She told me unfortunately she's going out of town. Okay, so next time maybe. She eventually messaged me and mentioned that now is not the best time for her. That she might also be moving to another city. But she wanted a new job in my hometown? My old coworkers told me she's in my hometown still working. Okay... Whatever. I think I'll join the forever alone club. Seems very chill.
While I just got out of a recent IRL relationship, I'll just inform everyone of my situation when it comes to dating and my stance on it. There are a lot of wonderful people in here, there are plenty of people on this website, a lot more than people think there are. It's very important to understand that dating is a commitment, something I'm sure you all understand. While it comes to dating it's important to find the right one. A lot of people may say, "Oh that's common knowledge" but just be very careful about who you choose guys. As someone who has been in and out of relationships, whether it be my fault or it be abusive (I've been through a mentally abusive relationship yes, thankfully she never put her hands on me). I've been in relationships that drain more energy out of you than your partner. I love the fact that this thread was made because now people who have been in the same scenario can come together and really appreciate each other for who they are. I just popped in to say that if anyone ever needs someone to talk to I'm here, just shoot me a friend request, guy or girl, doesn't matter. While rejection does suck, there are plenty of fish in the sea, just a daily reminder to keep friends close is all. Be sure to use this thread! It's always good to vent. Now I'll peace out!
the thing about girl is if you want to be friend with her just be friend unless she give you a sign you can start flirting,second,just go straight forward in first meeting ,example do you like dating?if she said no that mean that girl wont date you and you need to move on.Third,love is about caring and you cant force love,it lead to agony and pain . that enough from me peace!.
Aug 07, 16 at 10:23pm
Lets keep it brief, rejection hurts but by no means does that indicate it cant be used positively for yourself in the end. Instead of dwelling on what you could have done to keep said person or change persons feelings about you now evaluate what you were lacking in the general scope of things outside of the relationship parameters. Maybe you were a person who overall kept things to themselves but so much that you didnt express yourself. Rejection is one of the sharpest pains we have but its also one of the best indicators of our areas we need to improve on and opportunities for self evaluation use it wisely.
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