So who's going to Liberty City Anime Con?

hakureioni @hakureioni
So who's going to Liberty City Anime Con?
hakureioni @hakureioni
There's a small to medium sized anime con going on in NYC next month called Liberty City anime con. It's only in its second year but it's drawing decent crowds thanks to the location (I think a little over 3,000 guests). I went last year and for a small con it was a blast, really phenomenal planning and organizing and so many great events and this is coming from a guy who usually only frequents large cons.
Is anyone here planning on going? It's gonna be held in Times Square this year and I totally recommend it!

neeto @neet_one
commented on
So who's going to Liberty City Anime Con?
neeto @neet_one
Something with 'Liberty City' in the name seems like it'd be more suited to videogames than anime.

hakureioni @hakureioni
commented on
So who's going to Liberty City Anime Con?
hakureioni @hakureioni
Yea the name is odd, but it is 100% pure anime. Which is great since NY hasn't had a dedicated anime convention since Comic-con absorbed NYAF. And at the rate this con is growing I can easily see it rivaling Otakon as the biggest East Coast con within the next 5 years or so.
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