Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend

Nakama @jacob1
Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
Nakama @jacob1
With the on set of Pokemon Go. Witch would you rather do be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend?

Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
commented on
Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
I'd rather have a girlfriend who's also into pokemon

Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Nakama @jacob1
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Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
Nakama @jacob1
Pokemon are design for fighting. It's a amazing game. Nothing about animal cruelty at all. Way to go to the "I hate everything route." Get over your self Trump.

sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
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Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
sleepless ^.^ @sleeplessjay
Lol is this a joke? How can you even ask such an absurd question? The answer is CLEARLY Pokemon Master. :3

Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Akira Saito @akira_saito
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Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
Akira Saito @akira_saito
pokemon definitely is a very weird game when you get into the actual logic of it..
that being said i'd like to have pokemon cuz friends... i'd like having friends...

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
Nakama @jacob1
What kind of fantasy world do you live in. You can't evolve dogs or have them shoot fire, vine whips, high-pressure water. Dude the main character of the anime is a 10 year old that been 10 since the 1990s. Stop with your bull-shit real world logic. Pokemon and dog fighting have nothing to do with each other at all. Your Basically a light hearted Twilight loving normal. We are Otaku's here. Go watch some Attack on Titan if you want to talk anything, since that is child-fighters.

Nakama @jacob1
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Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
Nakama @jacob1
Never put logic to anime, manga, or video games. Just enjoy them for what they are.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Be a Pokemon Master or have a Girlfriend
yaasshat @yaasshat
Got a point. I mean, the pokemon are actually happy to fight. But, I prefer having a girlfriend. However, if it's both... Well, we'd be Jessie and James, we do have a cat as is.XD
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