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I know im searching for someone on here but im going to a con very soon and i was wondering if maybe someone has any advice for me? I want to see if i can find someone at the con but im not sure how to approach a girl and strike up a convo, ive done it before but it seems so different at a convention rather than a hometown place etc. It's pretty strange but if you can give me advice i'd like that :)
Rain @rainx commented on Advice?
Jun 22, 16 at 11:30am
It's not easy to just cold turkey approach someone at a con and introduce yourself and strike up a conversation that way. Not to mention girls have major feelers out for the whole "creeper" vibe and what not. My best luck talking with new people in all honesty has been at panels of topics I'm interested in. Usually it's much more relaxed with people sitting down and you already have an in on what the panel is about. You can usually get a vibe from a person if they're more talkative or less by making some light conversation. Obviously if they don't seem all that keen on talking, it's probably a good idea not to push it. But if they seem more open and bounce chat and talk back at you, it's more inviting to keep the conversation going.
hmm, thanks for dat. i suppose thats a great way to see about conversations. lets hope that can work haha :) thx
Cons really aren't meant for that if I'm gonna be honest with you. Most girls go to cons primarily to geek the fuck out with their friends, boyfriends or girlfriends so chances are the vast majority of women really aren't interested in finding a date when they're attending a convention. There are some who do go with the mindset of meeting up with someone but I find that they're quite rare and most are socially awkward which can make them hard to approach so chances to getting together with someone are pretty low. I have heard that some cons do hold speed dating events though so if there is one maybe you might get lucky there? I dunno though, whatever happens I guess :/
Rain @rainx commented on Advice?
Jun 23, 16 at 1:07am
There are speed dating events at some cons yes, but from my experience participating in a couple and hearing stories from others, they tend to be heavily skewed to far more guys than girls that go to them.
Panda @mrpanduhhh commented on Advice?
Jun 23, 16 at 2:31am
Just geek out with everyone boy or girl. If you talk to this guy and you befriend each other he can probably introduce you to his friends and maybe you'll find someone. Even better you befriend a girl and you two hit it off. Honestly if your going to a Con don't go there thinking "I need to find someone" and start some random conversation because that'll make it feel forced. Start conversations with people that actually interest you and talk about something you like so the feelings are legitimate. First rule is to enjoy yourself. I hope this makes sense. Good luck and have fun man.
Thank you, dw it did make sense and i do see where your comin' from. Rule 1 enjoy yourself and see where it goes from there haha thx for the help and advice
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