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How to deal with anxiety?

THC is the way to go. Been smoking daily for 10 years to keep the frustrations at arms length ^^ And I get up in the morning and do my job, so dont believe the propaghanda.
drugs and alcohol are an empty fix it you ask me.that are not the best choice. listen to music tend to help a lot i found, make a playlist for certain situations and when it hits play it. here are examples of my playlists: "calm down" "relieve anger" "fun" "laugh" "inspiring"
Oct 06, 12 at 9:24am
hm, i actually high anxiety disorder and the only thing that iv found complete helps is meds. but to take the edge off stress balls r a wonder ^^ when i needed to calm down befre i got my meds i cood sit in my chair, put on overhead headphones, and close ur eyes ^^ another if i was stressed is have some soda XP (i am addicted XP) for me its like a glass of wine ^^ just takes away my worrys. as for the weed i woodnt do it, it does get addictive if u use it as a crunch like that but i understand, when u feel like that ur so despeate even drugs sound like a good idea -_-
Oct 06, 12 at 3:51pm
@momoichi, I have the same issue. Sadly, if the anxiety is because of a chemical imbalance in your brain meds and such are the only way to go. Really most people have to find their own way to relieve their anxiety. I actually used to find ripping paper into long strips helped with my panic attacks. Of course that does sound a bit crazy, but it worked.
Dec 03, 13 at 4:16pm
Id recommend valerian, ( i had euphoria moments with that one. ) also going to the gym and workout.
I have anxiety too, like, diagnosed and such. So it depends on how bad it is, you might need to get meds from your doctor. I know when I'm getting really anxious and an attack is coming on, I ... forget to breathe... So make sure you breathe! Like... yoga style breaths and such. Also, not being around a lot of people helps me, just stepping outside, taking a deep breath. Or having a moment to yourself to appreciate anything good that you've done... That helps me a lot :)
Hello ^.^ I have GSAD, which is a social anxiety disorder. I've had it for awhile, and found some tricks that help me. Maybe they'll help you. -Music. Get head phones and walk outside. Blast the music as loud as possible and walk around. -Reading. I'm not sure if you like to read, but I find it very calming. -Pills. I have prescribed medicine, maybe you should get checked? -Boxing! I take three defense classes a week, to release anger. Hope that helps!
Throwing people off really tall buildings usually help me out. Or imagining it. Yeah I'm weird.
As a student studying psychology I have encountered this question many times. Often when it is really bad you may have to try treatments such as cbt or applied relaxation. As for weed, there can be negative effects such as extreme panic attacks( that I have experienced personally an I have to say it was one of the scariest things I have ever encountered) but what really does help and may seem simple is talking. You need to be able to find someone you are comfortable with and express how you feel, because once you hear yourself say it, it can become much easier to deal with whatever is bothering you since you yourself know the problem. My recommendation would be talking and applied relaxation, finding a place in your mind that really relaxes you, and stay there for as long as you need to. Though it may sound simple, trust me it isn't as easy as it sounds. I hope this helps and please let me know if this helped you!
Its hard to get out from under the anxiety. the more you focus on thinnking of ways to get rif of it the more you think about it. I mainly just keep up a mantra "Its going to be fine. Its just another day. just let it go" and use an image in my mind of the anxiety or stress being a dirt clinging to my body and water coming down and I wash it away. Other images to, but mainly an image of washing away/cleaning the dirt/stress/anxiety off something. the more you do this this easier it comes. its hard at first to focus but it helps
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