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I didn't even know you can get banned.
i shall save panda along with everyoen else
I vote to unban
Jun 13, 16 at 4:40pm
Panda, It's cute how you think you know me. ;) My opinions only amount to shit because YOU don't agree with them(Others have/do.). As for friends, I won't burst your bubble. You did say you wouldn't come back until your account was reactivated, while using an old account to say that. Tell me, why say that if you didn't want attention? I'd call that trying to prove a point. Oh, and I don't have many "friends" on here because I'm very selective and choose not to treat people like pokemon. Now, I'm more than aware that this wasn't an attack directed towards you and was an auto ban, which was mentioned early on. Also, I can damn well insert my opinion anywhere I please on here. If YOU don't like my opinion, then you too can choose to keep your virtual mouth shut and move on.:) As for my name, it was more of a joke/insult towards admin when I got auto banned a while back and it seemed fitting since many don't like bluntness and look at me as such anyways.
Jun 13, 16 at 4:43pm
@Panda Okay now you're definitely sounding like a pretty bad guy now. I will admit that yaasshat is making some really bad assumptions but he also makes some great points. You're not perma-banned and as you can see, this issue is being taken care of. This is FAR from serious. Just a minor inconvenience for today. You've got friends? Okay cool, they should be able to understand that there was a mistake and contact the mods to help, not sign a petition in the Serious thread area that clearly isn't needed and draws more attention than needed. And for the record, "If you dont like something STAY AWAY FROM IT", that's messed up logic. If we don't like something we should work to CHANGE it. Things would be a lot different today if everyone had that mindset. Where's all these other threads for people who have mistakenly gotten banned? Not many around as you can see. I will admit that yes, kid was trying to help you, his friend. But when you start a thread in the serious area about getting a person unbanned and making a petition, that's just stupid. No easier way to say it. You're not special. You're just another free user like the rest of us. Get over yourself.
Jun 13, 16 at 4:44pm
VeZeal, Bingo.:)
@yaasshat/VeZeal Yeah I probably went a little overboard and you guys have some good points but there are some things you didn't get/overlooked/or maybe don't acknowledge due to lack of caring about it. If I had to guess, because I would want to do the same myself, then I would say that Panda logged on to let people know about his intentions for not coming back without his main profile because he wanted his friends to know that he wasn't going to come back without that profile. I realize some people don't care one way or another if someone leaves you without notice but that's something that always bothers me and I would prefer to know when my friends disappear and hopefully for the reason that they disappear as well and as such I would take steps myself to prevent people from wondering what happened to me when I left a place which is kind of what Panda did (my interpretation). Also no their name may not be in this thread but I know that there are some people who do financially support this website and also do not want to see panda go or be banned. People who have been banned here before might know how things work but there are a number of people here including myself(I've been here for about 3 or so years) who do not know how the Banning process works nor how often the admin still visits the site. The advice of staying away from something you don't like can be quite valid. On the whole maybe not so much but it depends on the person. At times there is a difference between being blunt and honest and just being unnecessarily toxic with comments. Yaasshat has made some good points that I've noticed over my years here but I have also noticed some unnecessarily aggressive or toxic comments from him that didn't even need to be said or added to what he was commenting on. Usually it would be something like mentioning that some particular thread has already been done so they didn't need to recreate the thread but then what was added after that was some kind of condescending or just generally impolite words after that comment. There's a difference between voicing your opinion which is fine and voicing your opinion in an overly aggressive and completely unnecessary manner and yes there's a certain point where it doesn't matter what your opinion really is about if it's rude or not you can just tell because of certain things like foul language or saying something that's insulting towards someone.
Jun 13, 16 at 5:29pm
Animekid, You actually seem alright.:) I know how I act, but it's not usually for first time offenders or without a valid reason.
Its not me crying for attenion i had no intention of coming back on until it was resolved daggerfall already pm'd me the details telling me it would be resolved in the next 24 hours but none of you knew that did you? I actually only came on cause holyfok another one of my friends told me that you were in here throwing around lies about me. Cause no it wasnt for attention that i said i wouldnt come on i already explained why i wouldnt come on...i told them my reasoning why have you not been seeing me post that much with this account after i said what i said. despite what was said on this thread? Cry for attention pls. Your opinion is shit because no one cares what you have to say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@vezeal like i said i never asked anyone to do anything yeah sure i appreciate all these wonderful people doing this for me but dont put it on me like i forced people to post it on thread. No one is starting a riot or anything because of this
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