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Double Standards: Sexism and Feminism

Does your sister usually talk to you about her period and tampon problems?? LOL
She's 9
Ok then.. so she wouldn't know.
I think no one would like having toilet paper knee leveled.
I never even noticed the toilet paper was knee leveled...but then again i barely use public restrooms
I can't use public toilets. Urinals are fine.
I'm not a fan of it either (like every Walmart has knee level toilet paper that I know of)
OK guys well just imagine you all had periods and you bled from .. I dunno.. your butthole once every month. And despite how much you hate that time of the month, how much pain it gave you, how much of a hassle it was, you couldn't control it. Not. One. Thing. About. It. You cannot control how long it lasts or how much of a flow you have. You can try to contain it oh yes... It's less messy to use a tampon. But unless you want it to bleed through to your clothing or you to develope Toxic Shock Syndrome, you have to change it ever so often. Where you gonna do it at if you're out in public? ... You guessed it. A public bathroom. But those stalls aren't very wide, and so you determine the best way to remove and replace your cotton friend is to sit on the toilet and open yourself to the world (behind the stall door). WHAM. Your knee hits the toilet paper dispenser. That goddamn bulky contraption is the only thing standing between you and your ability to remove and insert a new tampon as comfortably as possible. AS COMFORTABLY AS POSSIBLE. YOU ARE PUTTING COTTON INSIDE YOUR BODY TO SOAK UP DEEP RED FLUIDS.. It's just an aggravating thing that could be avoided, ya know?
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